Season 8 Episode 5 – Barry must decide whether to let his greatest enemy die, or save his life.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I loved the beginning of the episode. After Barry managed to fix the timeline one of the first things he does is go to see Joe. You can feel the emotions running high through the entire scene until Darkh shows up, visually confused due to being there when he didn’t expect it.
2. Mia is back! The Green Arrow deserves her own show. She shows up when Reverse-Flash is being a nuisance at SCPD. It’s damn good to see her again, also the suit. I really hope this leads into her show actually going ahead this time.
3. Despite the trash CGI I did like the fight between The Flash. We saw some great movement by The Flash utilizing his mirage ability pretty well. A couple of times during the fight we see him multiply with duplicates which were great. He also held his own pretty damn well which isn’t something we see from Barry anymore. A great fight just ruined by ridiculous CGI.
4. Darkh just proves the potential he has as a good solid anti-hero. If only they properly portrayed him like this in Arrow, maybe season 4 wouldn’t have sucked so much. It was nice seeing the better side of Darkh during this episode.
What I Disliked
1. Despite it being great to see Mia again. Her attitude has not been missed. It was always an issue with her character on Arrow. Her character was always filled with pure rage and hatred all of the time. It was a rare occasion we actually saw her smile. This has continued in this. I know she’s becoming impatient searching for William but the way she’s going on with everyone else is just painful to watch.
2. I’m sorry but the way Chester, Allegra, and Joe are going on about letting Eobard die is the most pathetic thing that has happened on this show. Period. Eobard has literally stated if they save him he will continue finding a way to kill him. I can completely understand letting him die, they’re not the ones ending his life. Eobard did that himself. I know Barry can take his speed away permanently, but it’s Eobard. We know fine well he would find a way to get it back. This entire scene just made me rage and it’s well and truly spoilt what’s been a good damn crossover.
3. This is also a like because I did enjoy the scene but wow that CGI was horrendously bad between the fight of The Flash and Despero. The Flash is often on point when it comes to the VFX of the show but this was very poorly done. They even made Barry look awfully big unnecessarily for a split second. Whoever did the VFX for this needs additional training.
Favourite Moment
Caitlin had a very good scene with Eobard. As they trap him inside STAR Labs to decide on whether they’ll try to save him or let him fade away, Caitlin goes to have a conversation with him. It’s usually not what you would expect from Caitlin. She’s normally the one trying to save every despite what they’ve done. In this scene, she explains that all she’s done for 8 years is hate him and that she’d be happy to let him die. A strong scene from her and it’s definitely something we need to see more of.
Standout Character
This is a difficult one to give but the character I surprisingly enjoyed the most this episode was Damien Darkh. We get to see him in a more human form with emotions running high in regards to his daughter. I just wish they did his character a similar way in Arrow’s season 4. I hope this isn’t the last we see of him, I’d love to see him return briefly for a heroic story.
A very poor finale for a crossover. I expected all of the heroes The CW hyped up at the beginning to all come together at the end in one final showdown, that never happened. The CGI in this episode was awful. There was also a lot of wasted screen time on stories that were either not interesting or weren’t necessary. What a shame to end a crossover that’s been pretty darn good.
Rating 5.8/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 5
Action - 9
Characters - 6
Entertainment - 5
Quality - 4
A very poor finale for a crossover. I expected all of the heroes The CW hyped up at the beginning to all come together at the end in one final showdown, that never happened. The CGI in this episode was awful. There was also a lot of wasted screen time on stories that were either not interesting or weren't necessary. What a shame to end a crossover that's been pretty darn good.