Season 7 Episode 4 – Abra Kadabra returns to Central City seeking revenge for an unimaginable wrong. Meanwhile, a mysterious behemoth strikes at the city.
What I Liked
1. Although a short scene we have to appreciate the relationship that is forming between Cisco and Chester. Their personalities mix very well together and we got some comical Star Wars references during the scene. I hope Chester can become a more valued member of the team and have a more interesting role to play.
2. “I lost someone too, he was like a brother to me” I’m sooo glad Oliver Queen has been mentioned. He sacrificed his life so others could live, and he deserves to be remembered and talked about a lot more than he has been so far within the Arrowverse.
3. So while we’re not quite sure what this is yet, some form of monster appears once Kadabra has been talked down from destroying Central City, but Kadabra is killed by the beast in the process. The threat seems high as he absorbs an entire Antimatter bomb, which seemingly makes him invincible, then just makes The Flash look ridiculous after absorbing a massive lightning strike from Barry.
4. Iris again had quite a big part to play in this episode as she tries to come to terms and speak about her time in the mirror verse. As we see her struggle throughout the episode it was nice to see her speak her truth at the end to a support group. I hope she can now move on from what happened.
5. A nice solid moment at the very end where Cisco loses his temper losing Fortnite again to Chester. I had to add this just because it did make me laugh.
What I Disliked
1. So the beginning of the episode shows the return of Abra Kadabra, I don’t really wanna see this again, we’ve had this villain, it was boring.
2. I don’t mean to be picky but I’m not a fan of the whole self-loathing from Barry. I get that every superhero feels guilt for what they can’t stop, but I feel like this is such a repetitive thing from him. Everything that goes wrong we go through the “it’s all my fault” speech with him.
3. So Kadabra may be from a different timeline but my point stands regarding bringing back a villain we’ve already had. Not only that but it yet again ended in Kadabra being talked down. That’s two villains in a row, Barry just got his full speed and powers back, can we at least see him use them?
Favourite Moment
Caitlin and Frost are now two separate people, were not sure how this happened yet but I’m quite intrigued to see how this is played out.
Standout Character
Iris is taking standout again this week. I think showing how difficult it has been for her since coming back to reality is massively important. Iris was in there the longest so we can only imagine the effects this would have on any person.
The storyline reguarding Abra Kadabra was extremely boring! This episode was a tricky one because although I didn’t enjoy it, it did lead to more interesting things such as a new villain and a new story for Caitlin!
Rating /10
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Story - 7
Action - 5
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 5
The storyline regarding Abra Kadabra was extremely boring! This episode was a tricky one because although I didn’t enjoy it, it did lead to more interesting things such as a new villain and a new story for Caitlin!