Season 6 Episode 9 “Pariah enlists Black Lightning to help stop the Anti-Monitor after Flash-90 Shares what he learned from his battle in ‘Elseworlds’. With the help of Black Lightning, Barry, Cisco and Killer Frost come up with a plan that could save them all. Meanwhile, Iris has a heart-to-heart with Ryan Choi while Oliver and Diggle return to an old familiar stomping ground.”
What I Liked?
1. We get to see a woman running along some rooftops on Earth-203, she’s speaking to someone called Oracle over comms. We learn that this is the Huntress from the Birds of Prey TV series and the woman she’s speaking to over comms is Barbara Gordon until this world gets wiped out.
2. We also find out who the last 3 paragons are that is needed for this Crisis. Barry is the paragon of love, J’onn is the paragon honor and Ryan Choi is the paragon for humanity. While I liked this reveal I do think Barry should of been the paragon of hope because he did become a blue lantern at some point in his history.
3. Mia, Constantine and Diggle go looking for help to regain Olivers soul, they head to Earth-666 where they meet with the devil himself, Lucifier (Tom Ellis) from his show. Lucifer gives Constantine a card to Purgatory but you don’t know what you will get with the devil, If the image on the card fades completely, their souls will also be trapped.
4. The anti-Monitor has created a machine to send out the anti-matter wave and it’s being run by the Barry Allen of Earth-90 he’s trapped on the cosmic treadmill.
Barry and Barry use the flash time ability to speed talk and come up with a plan which is Barry thinking this is what the newspaper article meant when the Flash vanishes in a crisis.
5. Jim Corrigan comes for Oliver, tells him this is his destiny and he sends Constantine, Mia and Diggle back to the waverider.. Will Oliver become the Spectre?
6. Jefferson AKA Black Lightning meets the other heroes and low key fanboys over the 2 Supermen on the team and asks after all these years the Supermen are real.
7. The Anti-Monitor has been controlling both Harbinger and Pariah all along, he’s wanted the two on the ship to see what he wanted to see. Harbinger being controlled by the Anti-Monitor disables the heroes and has a short battle with the Monitor and takes his power and destroys Earth-1 which means he’s wiped the entire universe out.
Pariah finally figures out what he’s meant to do and sends the paragon’s and Lex Luthor to the Vanishing Point to be one last stand against the Anti-Monitor while Superman from Earth-38, Black Lightning, Pariah, Ralph, Caitlin and Iris all die from the anti-matter wave.
What I Disliked?
1. While I understand why it was over quickly but I wish finding Oliver on Lian Yu was a bit harder instead of just finding him straight away.
2. Lex Luthor rewrote history and when he saw in the Book of Destiny that the heroes get sent to the Vanishing Point, he swapped Kingdom Come Superman being the paragon with Lex being the Paragon so Kingdom Come Superman dies. I hope this isn’t the last we see of him because Brandon Routh plays him so incredibly well.
Favourite Moment
Barry from Earth-90 steals Earth-1 Barry’s speed when he’s saying his goodbyes to Team Flash. He tells Jefferson that he’s a great hero and he can stop containing the lightning now. Vibe opens a portal onto the cosmic treadmill so we see Earth-90 Barry start running, we get to see some footage from the 1990 Flash TV series of young Barry and Tina and then we see Earth-90 die.
Standout Character
This was a hard decision to choose as there were many fantastic performances and characters that stood out… It was between Earth-90 Flash or Kingdom Come’s Superman but ultimately I chose Earth-90 because it was essentially the ending to his show and legacy from the 1990 TV show.
The Verdict
The best crossover episode yet. I seriously can not figure out how they’ll top this episode. So many emotions, so much to take in. The Anti-Monitor has won basically. The universe is done.. gone.. only 8 heroes stand tall. This episode was great from start to finish. I can not wait for January to see the conclusion.