Season 8 Episode 13 – “Team Flash is under attack, and each must fight to save not only themselves but each other.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Death Storm, for the short amount of time we’ve seen him he’s been incredible. The horror aspect he brings to the show, playing on people’s grief is truly amazing. The fact that he’s embodied Ronnie Raymond is so well done. So glad Robbie Amell has returned.
2. I’ve said it once I’ll say it again. I love the horror aspect, the horror feel to the show. I thought I wouldn’t like it but I do. I like that over the course of the season they’ve slowly built it up by having one person have an issue but in this episode, everyone is getting it. Just fantastic.
3. I like how this fake Eddie is finally admitting that his death in season one of The Flash meant nothing since the Reverse-Flash returned over and over and over again. Eddie truly realizes he meant nothing to the timeline.
4. I do like how the ghost of Barry’s mother appeared to Barry and essentially tortured him with the losses that he has suffered throughout the years, his mother, father, Ronnie, Wells, Oliver, and more, and the episode ended with one more loss added to the tally.
What I Disliked
Now I dislike Frost’s boyfriend, so much. He might or might not be smart, nothing he has done in every scene he’s been in since he debuted has shown me he is smart, or at least smart enough to do what needs to be done and transform Frost into the anti Death Storm. I would not trust him with this task at all.

Favorite Moment
Honestly, in big boss fights like the one Frost and Death Storm had, the quality tends to not be the best in this show but in this scene, it was actually decent. The fight between the two was actually decent as well. Ultimately, it was too much for Frost to handle and she ends up dying to save Caitlin as she promised.
Standout Character
I have no choice but to give it to Frost. She was created to protect Caitlin, she set out to do that and ultimately paid the ultimate price for Caitlin’s safety. Hard not to give this standout to her.
Even going into this episode I knew that Team Flash would suffer a major loss in the team, however, it still felt very emotional. The episode story overall was very decent and had some good moments. Excited to see who becomes the villain for the rest of the season.
Rating: 9.2/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 9
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9
Even going into this episode I knew that Team Flash would suffer a major loss in the team, however, it still felt very emotional. The episode story overall was very decent and had some good moments. Excited to see who becomes the villain for the rest of the season.