Season 8 Episode 12 – “With a new Meta terrorizing the city, Joe lends a hand to the local authorities; Barry gets an assist from Cecile who helps to track the mass murderer.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I loved the opening monologue by Deathstorm. It truly gave off a “horror/thriller” feel to it. Deathstorm introduces himself to Caitlin who he tries to kill. The design, the voice, and just the presence of Death Storm is amazing.
2. Death Storm is truly wreaking havoc on Central City, feeding on the citizens of Central City to grow in power, to be able to pull off his plan. I already like Death Storm as a villain even in the little moments we’ve seen.
3. I am very curious about this time-sickness storyline. This is making me think that Iris is done after this season, this is only backed up by Candice Patton’s recent Instagram story. If this is truly the end for Iris then I don’t know how I feel about it.
4. While everyone thought that Death Storm was going to kill Caitlin, we come to learn that he wants Caitlin to be his bride. What a twist. Death Storm is trying to make Caitlin stronger, her cells are not aging like they are supposed to.
5. Fair play to Frost. What Team Flash is going to attempt to do is so dangerous and she’s “manning up” to live up to why she was created, to protect Caitlin. Frost is a decent character. I’m interested to see if this is going to work or not.
What I Disliked
I know this isn’t a big deal but where is Cecil and Joe’s kid? Like every scene we see with the two, their kid is never there or even mentioned if I can remember correctly.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was definitely seeing Barry upgrade in even more speed. We get to see him use his own lighting as a construct to allow him to run and get high enough in the air to nearly catch Death Storm. This was insanely cool and visually well done.
Standout Character
While everyone had similar roles in this episode, I’ll give it to Frost for her bravery towards the end of the episode when she comes forward to potentially be killed if this future plan doesn’t work out.
A fairly decent episode focused around Death Storm, his motives, and the horror/thriller aspect to him. The story involving Iris and the time-sickness is very interesting and continues to grow in interest to me. A decent episode.
Rating: 8.1/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 8
Action - 5
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 8.5
A fairly decent episode focused around Death Storm, his motives, and the horror/thriller aspect to him. The story involving Iris and the time-sickness is very interesting and continues to grow in interest to me. A decent episode.