Season 7 Episode 15 “When an army of Godspeeds attack Central City, Barry and Iris must put their family plans on hold and focus on the latest threat to their home; Chillblaine is released from prison and claims to be reformed but Frost has her doubts.”
What I Liked?
1. The episode begins with Barry in CCPD doing some CSI work, this was a nice moment because it’s been a while since we’ve seen the “CSI Barry”, he then gets interrupted by Nora aka XS, she tells Barry that everything will be ok, and then hugs him, but Barry immediately wakes up and gets excites at the prospect that Iris might be pregnant. This was a tease as to what is coming in the near future episodes of The Flash, I can not wait to get a tease for Impulse.
2. After so long, Godspeed returns, but not only as a solo, he brings a duplicate with him, we learn that the noise that these clones make is them actually communicating with each other, that it’s their way of beating and coming up with plans to fool and hurt Barry. The Godspeed suit is so nice, dare I say, one of the nicest suits that have been made for the show.
3. This next scene was great in the sense that it showcased just how much protection they’ve added to Star Labs when we get to see Godspeed come up with a plan to trap Barry, Barry runs into this trap straight away and gets surrounded by 6 Godspeed clones, Barry phases through the floor and gets chased back to Star Labs, barely making it back before the shield activates. From Barry running into the trap to the reveal of 6 rogue Godspeeds, this was such a great scene.
4. My next like comes from Chester, he’s the only one that remembered that Gideon was a thing, and he finally uses her. I don’t think we’ve seen anyone use Gideon in maybe a season and a half, so this was insanely great to see. Small point but I really liked it.
What I Disliked?
1. Why do they keep bringing back the character of Chillblaine? Like I get he’s a part of Frost’s story but like, his character is so annoying, is nothing but cringe, and the actor is terrible. I truly hope he’s only in it for this season and doesn’t return.
2. No Iris this week, rumor has it that stuff behind the scenes happened which is why she wasn’t in this episode as well as last week’s episode. Slightly annoying especially with it being a heavily focused pregnancy story. We’ll see if she’s in next week’s episode.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment definitely came from the moment where the Godspeeds invade Star Labs, with 1 Godspeed fighting with Barry while 2 more go and fight Frost and Chillblaine. Chester and Gideon manage to play the echo through the speakers but another Godspeed soon disables Gideon causing the rest of the Godspeeds to get the bearings back and then they all chase Barry and surround him, beginning to steal his speed when 6 more Godspeeds arrive and slightly save Barry from the other Godspeeds, it’s like a civil war is brewing between the Godspeed clones, this is definitely interesting.
Standout Character
The Godspeeds get the standout this week, they were just brutal, slightly scary and just a menace to Team Flash.
The Verdict
A solid beginning to a new Godspeed story arc. The introduction to this rogue faction of Godspeed clones was amazing to see, they came in, messed with Team Flash, and had a civil war with more Godspeeds, it was amazing. Disappointing that a heavily focused pregnancy episode had no Iris whatsoever.
Rating: 8.8/10
Photo: The Flash Season 7 Episode 15 “Enemy at the Gates”.
Story - 7
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
A solid beginning to a new Godspeed story arc. The introduction to this rogue faction of Godspeed clones was amazing to see, they came in, messed with Team Flash, and had a civil war with more Godspeeds, it was amazing. Disappointing that a heavily focused pregnancy episode had no Iris whatsoever.