Season 7 Episode 11 – Barry and Iris come together to try to stop a dangerous force from destroying Central City.
What I Liked
1. This episode was a pretty dark one. Not sure how to describe it but I was getting Harry Potter vibes at the beginning of the episode. Visiting the place where Barry’s parents died, the dark skies and random flashes of thunder and lightning. Just have to appreciate the resemblance I guess cause who doesn’t love Harry Potter?
2. bit of an awkward situation when the technical bad guy is actually kinda trying to save the world. Usually, In these situations, it’s easy to pick a side but it’s a bit of a tricky one.
3. Finally the Forces have actually came together, when Psych and Alexa done off I thought the situation was going to start all over again while we waited for Barry to convince them to be good people. I’m glad this isn’t the case and they make quite the team!
4. I’m just gonna throw this in there, Psych referring to Barry as Dad is hilarious. You can’t help but laugh while you’re looking at the very clear age difference between the pair.
5. I dunno why but I wasn’t expecting the episode to go the way it did. I didn’t expect there to be a positive outcome for Nora, mainly because it would’ve been a bit ironic, Barry having to get rid of the speed force. But the actress playing the role did so well, I’m glad she’s sticking around with the other forces and I do hope we see more of them. Maybe In a spin-off series, who knows? Anything can happen I guess.
What I Disliked
1. I LOVE Frost do not get me wrong on this point. I’d love for her to be in the show all the time. But bringing her back now just made her exist so much less impactful? The entire ordeal of Frost being sentenced to life in prison was so intense, and now all that just feels like it was for nothing.
2. Considering the actor who plays Cisco is leaving the show I was kinda hoping we’d see more of his characters. Give him an amazing final series to send him off, but honestly, he’s barely playing a part.
Favourite Moment
The Forces come together expecting to take down Nora, but manage to bring her onboard instead. Creating a team of the four Forces. A very powerful and incredible moment and I hope we see more of them at some point.
Standout Character
Nora is going to take the standout this week! Her character has taken so many turns these last few episodes. She went from being the Speed Force to a person, to an enemy, to being part of the family yet again. The actress played the role very well!
A great episode this week despite a few minor factors. I loved the ending to the story of the forces, but hopefully, this isn’t the last we see of them!
Rating 8.4/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 8.8
Action - 7.5
Characters - 8.5
Entertainment - 8.7
A great episode this week despite a few minor factors. I loved the ending to the story of the forces, but hopefully, this isn’t the last we see of them!