Season 7 Episode 5 – When a powerful new villain channels and amplifies everyone’s fears in order to wreak havoc on Central City, Barry realizes that he must face his own worst fear in order to beat this new threat.
What I Liked
1. Not sure what is going on with Cecile at the moment but my god her first scene was insane with a twist of creepy.
2. Well Cisco has decided to name the big bad from the last episode “Fuerza”, we have to appreciate that this was a difficult name, as Cisco pointed out She-Hulk is taken. I love how in every episode they manage to put some amount of humour in regardless of what’s going on in the City.
3. The speed force has taken the form of Nora Allen, Barry’s Mother. It feels strange seeing her back on our screens again but I’m looking forward to finding out why this is happening.
4. Another villain named Psych has made his way to Central city. Playing on everyone’s fears it seems. As he manages to get to Barry we see a brief return of reverse flash and Savitar. This scene was brutally intense as we find out during the hallucinations whatever harm comes to you, happens in real life, it’s the same rule if you die.
5. Caitlin and Snow have decided to remain in separate bodies. The scene between the two was very emotional, we see a vulnerable side to Frost that we don’t get to see often.
6. A new employee working with Joe has been ordered to bring Frost in whatever the cost. We have kind of seen this coming at some point, there was no way everything that happened would just be let go. I’m extremely curious to see how this plays out.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
It’s Cecile’s turn to save the city! As she takes a seat in the Thinker’s chair she uses Barry’s feelings of courage and spreads it through the entire City, removing their nightmare hallucinations and taking down Psych. Cecile is one of my favourite characters, and to see her character developing is amazing.
Standout Character
Cecile is taking a standout this week! Her character is having some great development on the show and her powers are finally becoming more advanced and useful to the team.
An amazing episode this week, It’s been a while since I’ve been this satisfied with an episode from the Flash. I will say I felt quite overwhelmed as so much was going on in one episode, but it all tied together making it worthwhile.
Rating 10/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
An amazing episode this week, It’s been a while since I’ve been this satisfied with an episode from the Flash. I will say I felt quite overwhelmed as so much was going on in one episode, but it all tied together making it worthwhile.