Season 8 Episode 14 – “Team Flash uses the distraction of a bank-robbing Meta to detract from the grief of losing someone they love.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The episode immediately begins with Team Flash still reeling from the loss of Frost in the previous episode. You get this feeling that Frost meant a lot to Team Flash, even though she wasn’t truly the main character anymore. It’s still a loss of a family member.
2. I do like how we seem to be getting each perspective on people dealing with the loss of Frost, Iris is first with a podcast dedicated to Frost being a hero and having civilians on to speak about the time Frost saved them.

What I Disliked
1. I get Cecile has powers and she has used them for multiple episodes, but why is she out in the field with The Flash? I feel like this is a dumb decision from the beginning. Like, she has no field experience at all, especially against a villain who looks like Bane from WISH.
2. I will admit, some of the story is boring. Take Allegra and Chester for example. They are meant to be honoring Frost but end up arguing about condiments. Some of the story is cringe. I feel like their POV could have been written a little bit better.
3. You know, the funeral for Frost is a hugely emotional moment and a big part of the episode, I get it but debuting a villain, even a weekly episode villain, and having him only appear in like 5 minutes of the episode is annoying, especially when there could be some action to save the episode.
4. I’m sorry what? A big moment for Frost, her death, and an entire funeral episode just to be shown and told that Caitlin is going to bring her back to life? Really? I don’t even know what to say about this.
Favorite Moment
I honestly did not have a favorite moment in this episode. Everything was bland, basic, and just weirdly bad.
Standout Character
I’ll give this to Joe. I think he was the voice of reason and told everyone to go out and do one thing to honor the memory of Frost. I love Joe’s speeches and will miss them next season.
Honestly, a boring, basic, lackluster, and somewhat pointless episode this week. I hated the story, the action was teased but ultimately ignored. The reveal at the end when Caitlin reveals she will bring Frost back was stupid.
Rating: 4.2/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 2
Action - 2
Characters - 6
Entertainment - 4
Quality - 7
Honestly, a boring, basic, lackluster, and somewhat pointless episode this week. I hated the story, the action was teased but ultimately ignored. The reveal at the end when Caitlin reveals she will bring Frost back was stupid.