Season 5 Episode 18 ”Barry and Iris disagree about how to handle their daughter after discovering that Nora is working with Thawne. Team Flash isn’t sure they can trust Nora, so they go through her journal to find out exactly how she came to work alongside their greatest nemesis.”
The Good & The Bad
The Good
1. The episode starts of right after the big reveal from the preview episode with team flash deciding what to do with Nora. They decide to read her journal that she keeps which gives us a flashforward flashback? We see Nora being late to a crime scene exactly like Barry was in the pilot episode. Such great parallels for Barry and Nora.
2. The introduction to Godspeed was amazing, his entrance to the show was incredible, he looks menacing. The white suit with gold details stands out really well which matches with his white lightning. I’m so glad they stuck to the source and named him August Heart. We see him in a scene for a few seconds in the Flash Museum. While he wears the mask/suit he is voiced by B.D Wong (Strange from Gotham).
3. We come to see Nora and her friend Lia investigate a wear house when Godspeed shows up, Nora tells Lia to run and Godspeed throws lightning at Nora and essentially knocks her out and we see purple and yellow lightning course through her body. She awakens to the same song Barry woke up to from his 9 month coma, Lady Gaga’s Poker Face. Nora and Lia think Nora gained speed from Godspeed but we later come to find out more about that.
Later on in the episode Lia is holding a little chip which Nora asks what it is and Lia says she found it in her shoulder and Nora comes to realize that she was always a speedster but Iris was dampening her powers from when she was a baby.
4. Lia is to Nora that Cisco is to Barry, Her sidekick/villain namer. Some parallels with this character as well as the next time we see Godspeed is when Nora is trying to figure out her powers and Nora tells Lia to open a barrel but Godspeed grabs Lia up against a wall and vibrates his hand through her chest like Reverse Flash did to Cisco in Season 1.
5. Reverse Flash was incredible in this episode, i truly felt bad for him because we see a prison officer ask Eobard to ”repent” and the officer hits Eobard with electricity in his cell. Eobard later uses the exact same speech to tell Nora how to phase through objects as he did with Barry when he first learned how to the phasing. We come to find out why Eobard has a timer outside his cell and it’s because he’s seemingly on Death Row and the timer says 10 minutes left.
The Bad
1. While seeing Godspeed was great, I don’t like how he wasn’t a permanent speedster and was using the V-9 chemical to gain his speed and he was after more to make him have permanent speed. I hope we see more of Godspeed, maybe in Season 6?
2. While i understand why Barry was angry because it seems anyone who is helping can not be trusted, First Dr. Wells then Jay Garrick and now Nora? But i personally thought he was too harsh to lock Nora in the pipe line then take her back to her time.
Holy Shit Moment
1. Godspeed is ruthless, he does what he wants and kills who he wants. I got so hyped to see his live action debut.
2. My next Holy Shit Moment was from a video message left by Barry for Nora. The message was from the time Barry disappeared with the red skies (maybe Crisis) it was an emotional message and truly felt heartbreaking.
The episode was incredible from start to finish, it gave us emotional scenes, great scenes from the future and just showed us how much Nora is like her father. I loved the scenes between Nora, Barry and Iris they were moving and very emotional. I loved the Scene between Barry and Eobard in the prison. It showed how Barry really felt. I can’t wait for the rest of the season, I think we’ll get a Flash vs Reverse Flash at some point. Danielle Panabaker really did great directing the episode. B.D Wong was a great choice to voice Godspeed too.