Season 5 episode 20 “Barry continues to struggle with his feelings over Nora’s betrayal; Brie Larvan, Joss Jackam and Peter Merkel return to Central City; Cisco makes a bold decision.”
The Good & The Bad
The Good
1. Nora returns to Central City using the negative speedforce, We see her running through a building looking for blueprints for a building she want’s to rob. The odds of her doing it alone was like 3 million to one so she needs to get a team together to pull of the heist, she recruits Weather Wizard, The Bug Eyed Bandit and Ragdoll.
2. Nora wants to get something from S.T.A.R Labs so she runs into the building to grab a meta-tech phone from earlier in the season, this causes the Flash to run to Nora and try to talk her into coming back home but we see Nora’s true intentions were to kidnap Cisco.
3. Ralph is seriously hilarious. When Cisco was having girlfriend troubles Ralph gave him a book that Ralph wrote to help him deal with his problems, We come to find out Ralph has wrote a mourning pamphlet which he gives to Killer Frost. Speaking of Ralph there were little dialogue teases of his future wife Sue Dibny.
4. When Cisco was kidnapped, Nora tried to force him into hacking a phone, Cisco tells her that he’s been here done this before and starts to laugh at Nora and says “what you done, joined a rogues cover band” but Nora doesn’t like this and starts to vibrate her hand like Eobard.
5. It’s not a Flash season if Joe doesn’t give Barry one of his speeches he gives to people. Joe is such a pivotal character. His reaction to seeing Ragdoll for the first time was priceless.
6. Nora didn’t learn everything from the Flash Museum, NEVER TRUST A ROGUE. We see the rogues turn on Nora and threaten to kill her if she Flash doesn’t come and unmask himself on TV.
7. We don’t see Cicada in much action this episode but we do know she’s stole Cisco’s prototype Meta-human cures which were bad tests and could kill a Meta. Cicada plans on using this to wipe out the entire Meta-human population in Central City.
The Bad
1. Cisco is currently in a weird story arch.. He doesn’t want to be Vibe anymore? Like why? Vibe is one of the best characters on the show. If this is truly leading to his exit it is going to be a mistake.
2. Iris is kind of trusting Eobard Thawne? She told Barry the only reason she returned was because Thawne told her to come and fix things between the two!
3. I would of liked to see Nora be evil for more than one episode. Felt kinda wasted.

Holy Shit Moment
When Nora broke into S.T.A.R Labs Barry tried talking her into coming home but Nora got angry at Barry and her face started vibrating like How Eobard’s face vibrates when he’s running and Nora’s eyes turned red.
Ragdoll is a crazy character, a few moments blew me away in this episode, first was when he fitted into a briefcase then a water pipe then a bin.
Easter Eggs
We got a nod towards Jenni Ognats the XS character from the comics.
Very great episode. Intense scenes between Barry, Iris and Nora, Those 3 are incredible together. Joe’s great speech to Barry about trusting Nora was so good to hear. I don’t like the Cisco story of not wanting to be vibe anymore. Overall a very solid episode.