Season 7 Episode 12 “Cisco and Kamilla tell the team they are leaving Central City. Barry, Iris and Caitlin don’t have much time to digest the news because a new version of Rainbow Raider strikes and OG Team Flash must join together one final time.”
What I Liked?
1. The episode begins with Cisco and Kamilla speaking to Iris, Barry, and Caitlin about the two leaving Central City with Kamilla going off to do her photography while Cisco takes a job in Star City with ARGUS. Cisco is oblivious that the team is sad because they put on brave faces and be happy for Cisco.
2. We get introduced to a new version of Rainbow Raider, only this time she’s more powerful since she’s all the colors to her advantage to mess with people’s emotions whereas the old Rainbow Raider only used red for anger. I like this version of Rainbow Raider, she’s more an anti-hero than a villain.
3. This next point was one of a few emotional scenes. Essentially Cisco gets mad because Barry and Caitlin are helping Cisco pack, and wanting him out, when in fact they come clean that they are sad but happy, this was like OG team Flash’s goodbye.
4. Another emotional scene, this time Cisco looking around Star Labs and the viewers getting flashbacks of Cisco’s scenes from previous seasons, this was a well done and a great send-off for Cisco Ramon. He’ll be a miss on the show for sure.
5. This next scene was sort of an easter egg/nod back to the pilot episode, Joe, Barry, and Caitlin are with Cisco at Barry’s loft, they are having a drink and a goodbye party for Cisco, the OG Team Flash begin singing Lady Gaga’s Pokerface, this was a nod back to when Barry first awoke from the coma he was in when the pilot aired. Such a great throwback.
6. The tease for the next episode? Cecile is tracking a metahuman through a mirror or visions, we get to see a golden mask, was this a tease of a returning character from a previous crossover? This has me so interested in where the story goes.
What I Disliked?
Cisco causing Barry to get distracted and having Rainbow Raider use her powers on The Flash who then becomes quite cringey and low-key weird, we see Barry breakdance, this was just a whole weird scene.

Favorite Moment
We finally get to see Barry figure out the villains plan on his own, she’s about to use a blimp to drop money, jewels, gold, and more on the citizens as a way of giving back and changing the way people live, Flash thinking fast uses Allegra to get onto the blimp with Cisco, this is where Cisco becomes a hero one last time and saves the day, this scene was hands down my favorite of the episode.
Standout Character
Cisco, I have to give it to him, it was his goodbye, he gave me a rollercoaster of emotions and he saved the city.
The Verdict
Overall a fun, Cisco-centered goodbye episode. This goodbye for this character was extra emotional as he’s been here since the pilot episode. It was an end of an era, Cisco will definitely be a miss to the series. The rest of the episode was decent but the standout point was Cisco’s goodbye.
Rating: 8/10
Photo: The Flash Season 7 Episode 12.
Story - 8
Action - 5
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Overall a fun, Cisco-centered goodbye episode. This goodbye for this character was extra emotional as he's been here since the pilot episode. It was an end of an era, Cisco will definitely be a miss to the series. The rest of the episode was decent but the standout point was Cisco's goodbye.