Season 7 Episode 7 – When a mysterious ice powered enemy frames Frost for a brutal crime, she must find a way to clear her name; Barry and Iris have a surprise houseguest; Joe continues to deal with Kristen Kramer.
What I Liked
1. I have to give Danielle Panabaker props for her portrayal of both Caitlin and Frost. They really do seem like two completely different people despite knowing they’re played by the same person. Her performance as Frost is always incredible but this episode is already great for her as she has a warrant out for her arrest, she goes it alone to find the new meta who is responsible for a murder.
2. We get to see the return of CSI Barry which we haven’t had in quite a while! It’s nice to see him returning to his normal self not only as of the Flash but as Barry Allen.
3. An amazing fight scene between Frost and Mark Blane, or as he now calls himself Chill Blane. This was great to see as it was a great pairing as Mark has duplicated Frosts powers. It’s also nice to see her fighting one on one with a villain.
4. I do like the fact that Nora has become more than just the force that powers Barry’s abilities. It’s obviously not Nora, but it’s still a nice touch that she’s formed as Barry’s mother. I can understand why Barry is still hesitant about this, even more so when all wants to do is help.
What I Disliked
I don’t mind Chester but it’s starting to feel like he’s slowly edging out Cisco. There have been multiple occasions now where Cisco has been absent and Chester has taken over his usual duties.
Favourite Moment
Despite being innocent of the murder, Frost decides to take responsibility for all of her past crimes as she hands herself over to the police. A very unexpected turn and I really hope this isn’t leading us to the end of Frost.
Standout Character
This weeks standout is probably pretty obvious but Frost more than deserves it this time around! Her story and character have advanced incredibly and I love her being part of the team!
A great episode this week, obviously this episode was mainly a Frost episode which we already knew, and she did an amazing job at taking the lead on this one!
Rating 9.3/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9.5
Action - 9.5
Characters - 8.5
Entertainment - 9.5
A great episode this week, obviously this episode was mainly a Frost episode which we already knew, and she did an amazing job at taking the lead on this one!