Season 8 Episode 15 – “The Flash gets an assist from XS; CCPD enlists Chester for help when a mysterious device is found at a crime scene.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. As much as I hate to say it but Chillblaine is actually trying to be the voice of reason to Caitlin. He tells her that she just tried to resurrect her dead husband to which Caitlin responds “That was not Ronnie” when not even 4 episodes ago she said it was.
2. Deon takes Barry into the Still Force where Barry sees that it’s got worse since the last time he was here. Barry sees a newspaper that says Zoom and Godspeed destroy the city. Deon explains that the Still Force is even more dangerous now.
3. What appeared to be an evil Deon that trapped Barry in the Still Force, a voice of Deon appeared in 2049 and spoke to XS who tells her that he can’t save Barry but she can before he teleports XS to Barry in the Still Force. It’s great to see XS again.
4. Did Barry just mention “Max Mercury”?
What I Disliked
1. Kramer gets Chester to come to check over a bomb that went off, when he takes a piece of it out he instantly recognizes it. Is this one of his live streams coming back to haunt him? I called that this would happen.
2. Don’t get me wrong, I love any mention or reference to Wally but bring him back, it’s not hard to do. He’d fit into the story, by now his powers would have been upgraded and he’d be a much better hero. I would love to see Kid Flash back on the show.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was definitely the scene between Barry and Nora about Nora struggling to find her footing as a reporter and she motivates Barry. The relationship between these two is so great it’s unbelievably great to see.
Standout Character
I’m going to give this to Joe this week. He was once again the voice of reason and told everyone to slow down but no one listen and it ended up with Barry stuck in the Still Force.
An average episode. Felt like a filler episode with some advancements on the Iris storyline but nothing truly major. I feel as though the story with Chester has just been thrown in there to give him something to do.
Rating: 7.3/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 7
Action - 5
Characters - 8.5
Entertainment - 8
Quality - 8
An average episode. Felt like a filler episode with some advancements on the Iris storyline but nothing truly major. I feel as though the story with Chester has just been thrown in there to give him something to do.