Season 6 Episode 1 “When Barry and Iris deal with the loss of their daughter, the team faces their greatest threat yet – one that threatens to destroy all of Central City; Killer Frost has a brush with death that will change her relationship with Caitlin.”
What Was Good?
1. We meet Caitlin’s friend, Ramsey Ross who is a scientist like Caitlin who’s mother has just passed away from cancer. He tells Caitlin his mother was weak and she just gave up where as he won’t give up and wants Caitlin to give him dark matter so he can cure the red blood cells. When Caitlin refuses Ramsey resorts to using black market methods to gain dark matter. When we meet Ramsey this episode he seems to be good and doesn’t seem to be a villain until he turns sinister later on in the episode. I can not wait to see him go full bloodwork.
2. Iris heads to the junk yard to find some stuff Joe had threw out. She’s looking for a jacket that Nora wore last season until a black hole opens up and sucks the jacket in. Later on in the episode another black hole opens up this time in front of Jitters. I don’t know what it is but both The Flash and Supergirl has villains or black hole type situations in their season premieres.
3. I really enjoyed seeing both Barry and Iris deal with the loss of Nora in different ways but without talking to each other until this episode. Iris says while she knows she’ll see Nora again in the future… it just won’t be the Nora she grew to love and made memories with last season and that version of Nora is gone.
4. So let’s talk about Killer Frost. Caitlin has been dealing with some of her powers going off at random times because Killer Frost is essentially sick off being on the inside and only comes out when Caitlin or Team Flash is in trouble. Frost and Caitlin has a talk and agree to let Frost take control every now and again. Frost also gets a suit upgrade this episode and my god is it amazing!
5. At the end of the episode when Barry and Iris are talking about Nora’s jacket in the time vault the lights go out and The Monitor is standing there. He warns Barry about the incoming crisis. The Monitor lets barry know that it’s moved up and will now be here in December. He also warns Barry that for billions to survive, The Flash needs to sacrifice himself.
What Was Bad?
1. My only bad problem with this episode is Cisco. While he was Vibe he was incredible and I would of loved to see more of him but since they created tech that can open breaches to other worlds Vibe was essentially useless. Cisco has been loving his new life without powers and it just bugs me to see.

Holy Shit Moment
1. The episode starts off with a bang… We see Godspeed but in present day? He is battling The Flash and Flash get’s the better of him, easily takes him down and unmasks him to be someone different than August Heart. This is a different Godspeed and Barry reveals that he’s fought four other Godspeeds over the summer which they all have the same thing… can’t speak and just makes a noise. What does this mean for Godspeed?
2. Team Flash finally figure out what is causing the black holes. It’s a scientist who created the black hole in his garage but ended up comatose. His brain scans reveal that half of his brain is working while the other half is literally the black holes. A big black hole opens up over Central City which Barry needs to stop so he runs into the black hole, stops it and runs the other side of Chesters brain activity and puts him in a machine which will eventually stop the black hole problems.
The Verdict
What a season premiere! Straight from the start it was great. The action was absolutely incredible. The story was decent and this new arc for Iris was finally great to see. Candice Patton seems to love it and I can tell the showrunner cares for this show. The tease of crisis was so amazing. Will The Flash sacrifice himself in crisis?