Season 8 Episode 17 – “The Flash goes off the grid to look for answers about a new Meta in town; Allegra tries to protect a friend at CC Citizen Media.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Chester puts Barry onto a fire, when Barry arrives at the scene of the fire, it’s already out. Barry and Chester are both confused as to why the doctors thanked Barry for putting out the fire and saving 7 years of work. A new speedster is in the city?
2. I do like when we get scenes of Barry actually being a CSI at crime scenes. I know it’s not a priority for a superhero show but seeing Barry do his job, his career that he took up to save his father is always a great moment.
3. To try and find this new speedster in Central City, Barry goes off-grid to find them, having to run to Lian-Yu to check on an old foe… Eobard Thawne. It’s always good to see the Reverse Flash pop up every now and again.
4. Allegra shows her co-workers that she is the light meta that helps Team Flash. She goes and faces Sunshine and Dr. Light by herself to buy the rest of the workers time to put out the interview. Allegra puts up a great fight against the two of them until she gets hit with a bullet from Dr. Light. She uses her powers to heal herself and take down the villains.
What I Disliked
1. Listen I know Cecile is a “hero” and uses her powers very often to help out Team Flash etc, and I know putting a kid into a school can be hard work but… forgetting about a child seems bad, even for Cecile. I guess it fits though as there have been episodes without a mention of the kid.
2. The Allegra and her friend scene was straight-up stupid. Allegra is trying to get her friend out of the building and protect her from the attack of Dr. Light and Sunshine. You see this villain Sunshine literally teleport in front of you, you turn and run and she appears there too… so what does Allegra do? run into a room and block the door from a teleporting villain. So stupid.
3. Iris has hired some bad-mannered, disrespectful, horrible, and selfish people to work at Central Citizen. In every scene, they are in they are just completely horrible human beings.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was the moment Barry found the new speedster. We had a little fun moment where she was getting chased by Barry until she threw some electricity at him and Barry did this sick parkour move to dodge it. Meena Dhawan aka Fast Track debuts in the series. She looks great.
Standout Character
While this was a big episode for Allegra and her character received some more development (finally) I’m going to give this to Eobard Thawne. Each time he comes onto the show, he’s menacing, and evil and his villainy is unmatched.
Honestly, the Allegra storyline in this episode was good, simply because of the character’s development and her becoming a better person and better hero, but overall I was more focused on the new speedster as well as the return of Reverse Flash. Solid episode though.
Rating: 9/10
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The Review
Story - 9
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 8
Honestly, the Allegra storyline in this episode was good, simply because of the character's development and her becoming a better person and better hero, but overall I was more focused on the new speedster as well as the return of Reverse Flash. Solid episode though.