Season 6 Episode 5 “Cisco’s faith in his ability to fill Barry’s shoes as Team Leader is upended when he learns of a shocking murder; Killer Frost trusts no one except herself to hunt down the dangerous Ramsey Rosso.”
What I Liked?
1. Cisco has created a AI system to help him choose and make decisions Barry would make once Barry has disappeared in the Crisis. The AI system is called B.A.R.I and can even pick what Barry’s favorite movie is.
2. Cisco and Kamile are about to go to sleep when a breach opens up and out pops a distraught Breacher. Cisco tries to speak to him but Breacher tells Cisco that Gypsy has been killed. Breacher wants Cisco to help him but Kamile tells Breacher that Cisco hasn’t got his vibe powers anymore to which Breacher replies about the side effects. This whole situation about Cisco giving up his powers was basically for nothing if the rumors are true about The Monitor giving Cisco his powers back.
3. Frost has taken up the mission of finding and capturing or killing Ramsey. She learns that he’s been killing people while hiding out for 2 weeks. Ralph gives her a motivational speech to which gives Frost a idea about talking with Ramsey.
4. Cisco and Kamile go to investigate the crime scene where Gypsy was killed. Cisco becomes suspicious and takes it upon himself to solve the crime. He comes up with a plan which involves him and Breacher watching the murder of Gypsy to find out who killed her… queue the favorite moment.
5. Joe and Nash Wells are trapped in the sewer until Ralph comes and saves them both. They go to STAR Labs to get checked over and Nash tells the team that he knows how to save Barry.
What I Disliked?
1. Nash Wells? The typical Wells always keeping secrets just in a different outfit and name. Getting kinda boring and old now.
2. Ramsey is getting crazier by the episode although we haven’t saw this but the Bloodwork persona is quickly taking over his body.

Favorite Moment
When Cisco and Breacher watch the murder of Gypsy, they come to find out who Echo is, the killer of Gypsey… it’s none other than Cisco himself, this doesn’t help that Kamile found him sleepwalking at the same time.
She becomes Cisco’s voice of reason this episode telling him that Barry never chose him to become the next Flash but to become his own team leader and this gives Cisco his confidence in himself back.
Cisco traps the Earth-19 agents and Breacher in STAR Labs while he goes to find Echo. He comes face to face with himself? Earth-19 Echo is Cisco Ramon. Echo swaps the multiverse of Cisco’s around if they have the right price. When Gypsy saw Cisco’s face she hesitated which allowed Echo to kill her. After a short fight with himself he traps Echo in a force field waiting for Breacher to come arrest him.
Stand Out Actor
Carlos Valdes delivered one hell of a performance this episode.. from his acting to battling his inner demons.
The Verdict
A very Cisco focused episode about him regaining that faith in himself made for a great episode and potential future without The Flash. The story of seeing him come to terms with Gypsy’s death to him and Kamile becoming even closer. The episode dealt with the team coping without The Flash around to lead them.