Season 6 Episode 17 “After recent events, Barry takes a closer look at his life with Iris; Eva makes a bold move.”
What I Liked?
1. Barry, Cisco, and Ralph are in the speed lab working on the artificial speedforce. When Cecile asks if Barry wants to come to see Iris and try to work things out he denies it and goes off. We later come to find out that Barry has been investigating Iris because he knows it’s not her.
2. Real Iris is still trying to find a way back through the mirror when she comes across a button that opens the mirror and reveals a secret laboratory. She then finally realizes Eva’s planned all of this and targeted Iris.
3. I’ve under-estimated Eva all season long. She’s fully manipulated Iris, kept watch over Barry, and planned this entire thing. She even framed Barry for not being the real Barry with her tricks. I didn’t like the choice to gender-swap a character but it’s actually worked out really well.
4. Mirror-Iris vs Barry! Eva forces Iris to watch Mirror-Iris fight and try to kill Barry. Barry is that in love with Iris that even her mirrored version he wouldn’t touch and harm. He tries to connect with this version of Iris and tells’s her to be her and not to be Eva’s soldier to which Eva destroys the mirror-Iris.
What I Disliked?
1. I really disliked how long it took for Cecile to use her powers and not realize that there was something off with Iris. She’s been in the same building and next to her for weeks using her powers.
2. The mirror versions of Iris, Singh, and Kamila are Eva’s children? So does this mean they have there own soul’s etc?

Favorite Moment
The mirror version of Kamila kills herself to free Bloodwork in return for some of his blood. Bloodwork get’s free and attacks the mirror-Singh and threatens mirror-Iris. He gives her his blood but goes back into his cell after mirror-Iris tells him she wants to be alive.
Standout Character
Eva. I fully under-estimated her and I’ll admit she’s proven me wrong.
The Verdict
A very Eva centered episode which was surprisingly very interesting. Barry finally figuring out Iris isn’t herself was nice to finally see. Eva using bloodwork’s blood to escape the dimension she’s trapped in was an interesting way to bring Ramsay back. A hint of the artificial speedforce was finally nice to see.