Season 7 Episode 3 – As Eva becomes more powerful, Barry and team must find a way to stop her; an old friend risks her life to help.
What I Liked
1. So it may be nothing, but maybe something. Sue returns to speak to Joe and during the conversation, it is mentioned that she and Ralph are laying low. Why mention a character who is no longer in the show? Could we see a return or recast? I hope so!
2. Evas now able to not only manipulate mirrors but any reflective surface. Barry orders a blackout on the city, as each person is replaced, Eva’s army grows.
3. When Nash gave his life, the universe required a “balancing act” to make up for all the wells that were lost. Giving us the original Doctor Harrison Wells. This was such an incredible scene!
4. The fight scene eventually came between Barry and Eva, and Barry was joined by Frost and Vibe. The scene was so intense seeing the three of them back together in action.
What I Disliked
1. The end of this storyline with Eva had to go on as a dislike. I get not every villain has to end in a fight, but you’re telling me after all this, all she needed was a good talking to? It just feels like a big waste.
2. Joes arc this episode was very disappointing. I expected him to have more involvement considering this was the end of another villain.
Favourite Moment
Back in the first-ever episode when Barry was in a coma, Iris touched his hand and was hit with a spark of lightning. This has resided in Iris all along. Meaning part of the speed force lives on inside of Iris, giving Barry a chance to get his speed back. As the teamwork together, Barry eventually gets his speed back the right way! Let’s hope he manages to keep it from now on.
Standout Character
So typically I’m not a huge fan of this character but I’m going to give it to Iris this week. She had a big role to play in this story. To bounce back from the mirror verse, to giving Barry his speed back, and then being the one to eventually stop Eva.
So I’d say this was a good episode but I expected more as it was technically a finale episode. Although we are only 3 episodes in, this was the end of Eva, Wells and the official return of Iris and Barry’s speed.
Rating 8.5/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9
Action - 7
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9
So I’d say this was a good episode but I expected more as it was technically a finale episode. Although we are only 3 episodes in, this was the end of Eva, Wells and the official return of Iris and Barry’s speed.