Season 8 Episode 19 – “A fight looms for The Flash and team; Iris discovers the cause of her time sickness.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. We begin in the future, seeing the future kids play a video game when they get a call from 2049 Iris until the call cuts out and a young Iris appears. The trio hatches a plan to run Iris back to the present-day but the still force is keeping Iris in the future.
2. Over the show’s history of introducing Speedsters, we’ve seen some nice suits, but honestly, Meena’s suit might be one of the cleanest, nicest, most simple yet badass suits we’ve had the pleasure of seeing in live-action. So nice.
3. The story surrounding Deon is very interesting, is he good or bad? The team finds out about the massive power surge on Lian-Yu. The Flash runs there to find the body of Thawne, who has aged 100 years. Deon killed him.
4. I like how we are dealing with the negative forces for the strength force, still force, and sage force. I like how when Barry severed the negative speed force in Thawne, it wiped the embodiment of the negative speed force out.

What I Disliked
1. As much as I like the Fast Track suit, I dislike the helmet. It looks very off. I don’t know it just looks so compact on Meena’s head. Hopefully, it’s only for now and she’ll get an upgrade soon.
2. I still dislike the story between Chillblaine and Caitlin. Bringing Frost back will only make her sacrifice to save Caitlin earlier in the season against Death Storm meaningless.
3. I know Barry has grown as a person and a hero but the fact that he’s trusted a man who killed his mother IN FRONT of him, this easily, I know there was a bit anger at first but it shouldn’t be this easy to trust him.

Favorite Moment
Seeing Fast Track and Eobard work together to give Eobard speed is very interesting. The negative speed force is there trying to bring out the hateful version of Reverse Flash. The forces are about to wipe out Chester, Allegra, and Cecile when Barry arrives with back-up in toe, Fast Track, and Eobard Thawne. Seeing the trio work together is amazing. Barry sets up a powerful lightning throw, he throws the lightning towards the forces but the still force clicks and Iris appears as a sacrifice by getting hit by the lightning. Iris’s body turns into still force energy and goes into Eobard, putting negative tachyon into him with Tom Cavanaghs’s Reverse Flash literally ripping out of Eobard Thawne.
Standout Character
I will have to give this to Deon (negative still force), pulled off a master plan, sacrificed Iris, and brought the brutal, murderous, version of Reverse Flash back. He was just amazing this episode.
Honestly, I really liked this episode. It felt weird to see Team Flash get outsmarted by the negative forces. How easy it was to sacrifice Iris and bring back the Reverse Flash. I’m excited about the second part cause the first part was amazing.
Rating /10
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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 8.5
Honestly, I really liked this episode. It felt weird to see Team Flash get outsmarted by the negative forces. How easy it was to sacrifice Iris and bring back the Reverse Flash. I'm excited about the second part cause the first part was amazing.