Season 8 Episode 20 – “With The Flash still reeling from everything that just happened, the rest of the team rallies to support him when he needs it the most.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Barry fully lashes out at the Reverse Flash after he mocks Barry about Iris and his mother saying at least they were good for something. We actually see the anger in Barry when he hits Reverse Flash with his lightning.
2. It’s always great to see Jay Garrick appear in The Flash. Such a wonderful character portrayed incredibly well by John Wesley Shipp. He literally is the perfect Jay Garrick.
3. I do like how Damian Darhk actually is helping out. He’s become friends with Joe and he talks Iris into being that spark to get back to Barry because she’s a survivor. Thawne is destroying the city when Barry uses the forces to stop time and then reverse everything, the damage, the death, and the destruction caused by Thawne.
4. The end of the finale episode leaves viewers with a look at a blue crystal that glows, and Barry’s monologue about a new avatar and being “ready” for when that day comes… could this finally be what the fans and viewers have asked for, for years? Could this finally be Cobalt Blue?
What I Disliked
1. From now on, do not listen to anything any side character speaks about in interviews about a “special cameo” or “fans will be excited to see who shows up” when the said person that showed up is Damian Darhk. Someone who we have seen countless times in multiple shows.
2. I hate the fact that the writers just pick and choose when Cecile’s powers work. When her powers fit the story. I hate when Team Flash is stuck and Cecile’s powers magical fit the story narrative. It’s like the writers just don’t know what to do with her powers or her in general.
3. So at the end of the episode, Cecile, Chester, and Allegra are having coffee when yet again, the writers change Cecile’s power and have her magically levitate a coffee from Chester’s hand to hers. My god, the writers have no clue, honestly.
Favorite Moment
A new and improved Thawne appears in downtown Central City. He’s been upgraded to have all four of the negative forces in him. Not to mention, he has a badass new suit, a black suit with gold accents. I saw people dislike the suit but I love it. He immediately begins killing people with his lightning.
The four speedsters all run around Thawne and each throw lightning at him, but in turn, they hit Bart. Thawne sends all the speedsters, except Barry back in time. This version of Thawne seems to be overpowered. All of the original positive forces arrive and show Thawne true power by turning into tachyons and going inside Barry.
We get such a cool scene of Barry and Thawne fighting throughout the city using each one of the forces against each other. The visuals were pretty decent as well.
Standout Character
I will give this to Barry Allen. Simply because while he did lose his cool fighting Thawne, the city nearly got destroyed. Iris did return and cool his anger down and then he sat back and used the four forces to his advantage.
Overall a really decent finale. I love the direction they went with both Barry and Thawne with both using the positive and negative forces to fight each other. I love the way Damian helped Iris to return. I absolutely disliked the way the writers wrote Cecile and her powers. They honestly have no clue.
Rating: 9.4/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 9
entertainment - 10
Quality - 8
Overall a really decent finale. I love the direction they went with both Barry and Thawne with both using the positive and negative forces to fight each other. I love the way Damian helped Iris to return. I absolutely disliked the way the writers wrote Cecile and her powers. They honestly have no clue.