Season 8 Episode 9 – “Barry and Team Flash get closer to figuring out the Fire Meta but no closer to finding him; Iris, needing a distraction, follows a story to Coast City.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Honestly, at first, I didn’t like Dion as a character. The more he returns and obviously the more he helps to figure out what is wrong with Iris, the more I begin to like him as a character. The actor Christian Magby is a great addition to the series.
2. I do really like the “thriller” aspect of this episode involving Chester and the black flame. It feels different compared to the episode from last week. It’s making this episode a great episode. The black flame is also very intriguing.
3. This new villain feeds on grief and sorrow. This is going to make for a potentially great villain if Team Flash has any leftover from any loss or traumatic event in their lives. . This flame has a mind of it’s own like it’s alive. Very interesting.
What I Disliked
1. I truly dislike when Sue returns. I just feel as though her being in the show is dishonest to the character of Ralph. It doesn’t excuse what the actor did in previous years but the character should be on the series.
2. I normally care about Iris’s side story in episodes but for some reason, this side story isn’t doing anything for me. I don’t know if it’s because it’s not truly connected to her time sickness or what but I don’t know, it’s just not interesting.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was surprisingly the scene between Allegra and Chester. Chester explains that what he saw inside of the black flames was his father and that he’s coming for him. This got me wondering if the black flame can make people be manipulated into seeing their darkest moment? The flame is manipulating Chester by showing his father. The flame is feeding on Chester’s grief. This is such a great scene.
Standout Character
I think no one else deserves it other than Chester this week. This episode was huge for him, cause not only did he stand up and move on from his grief, but he didn’t let the fact that the black flame used his own father against him to try to feed on his grief and sorrow.
Honestly, I went into this episode not knowing what to expect because I didn’t watch the promo for this episode. This idea of this villain that is the black flame using people’s own sorrow and grief against them to feed on them is very much sparked an interest for me this season.
Rating: 8.2/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 9
Action - 3
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Honestly, I went into this episode not knowing what to expect because I didn't watch the promo for this episode. This idea of this villain that is the black flame using people's own sorrow and grief against them to feed on them is very much sparked an interest for me this season.