Season 7 Episode 14 “When Ultraviolet returns to Central City, Allegra is determined to find her cousin and change her heart; Joe finds evidence that Kristen Kramer may not be the good cop she appears to be.”
What I Liked?
1. I love that even after ending his story at the Central City Police Department, Joe is still determined to investigate things that he doesn’t even need to investigate, for the past few episodes we’ve seen him collect, investigate, and receive small amounts of help from Cecile to try to find out why Kramer is odd and determined to go after metas.
2. One of my favorite villains of the show returns this episode, Ultraviolet is a Blackhole assassin, and Allegra’s cousin, Ultraviolet knows that Allegra is trying to find her, so Ultraviolet gets the jump on Allegra at CC Jitters and beats her up by Allegra is saved by Sue.
3. We finally get more backstory on the story of Ultraviolet and why she’s hunting a doctor down, we learn that a doctor who worked for Blackhole essentially tortured her and basically cut out her voice, literally. She is essentially hunting him down so he can fix her and eventually her killing him. I’m so glad that we finally have more backstory on Ultraviolet and just how powerful and ruthless Blackhole actually was.
4. Joe confronts Kramer about her time in the army, why she let her squad be killed in action, however, Joe also tells her that he could of went straight above her to get his answers but with the type of man Joe actually is, he came to the source to ask the questions, Kramer in a fit of rage shouts at Joe, essentially threatening to arrest him. It isn’t until later in the episode where Kramer actually agrees to speak with Joe and the viewers come to learn of her “backstory”, which is honestly a huge move, especially for a relatively unknown character in Kramer.
5. Even though Sue made the dislike list, she did have a pretty cool fight scene against a group of Blackhole agents, she gets the best of them but there is still far too many for her to deal with so she uses her “cat burglar” moves to tangle up the group of agents and manages to use an electric baton to knock them all out, this was actually a fun scene if I’m going, to be honest.
What I Disliked?
1. Honestly, I’m not sure if I like the character of Sue, I find her annoying, she’s not the same without Ralph. In this episode she caused my most disliked scene, essentially is being stubborn against Allegra helping Ultraviolet so Sue causes a fight between her and Ultraviolet and ended up having Chester as a casualty of the fight and ending up with a broken arm.
2. The lack of Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen in this episode was honestly annoying, they could have easily written the two into the story but I see why they didn’t have them in the episode, and the character development for a few characters slightly made up for it.

Favorite Moment
Finally, Allegra manages to level up her powers and actually uses her powers to stop a villain and not be a light source. I loved seeing her manifest her powers, even more, this was huge character development for Allegra and I hope we see her use her powers more often going forward.
Standout Character
Allegra fully deserves it, she grew as a character, used what Barry and Iris taught her, and saved the day, can’t complain about that.
The Verdict
This was an obvious filler episode, however, as much as a filler episode this was, the character development for a few characters far outgrew that thought of it being a filler episode. The episode had tons of action, great moments, and a solid cast.
Rating: 8.5/10
Photo: The Flash Season 7 Episode 14 ” Rayo De Luz”.
Story - 7
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 8
This was an obvious filler episode, however, as much as a filler episode this was, the character development for a few characters far outgrew that thought of it being a filler episode. The episode had tons of action, great moments, and a solid cast.