Season 8 Episode 10 – “Barry’s desire to keep the team safe is tested when Frost recklessly courts danger while trying to stop the Black Flame; Iris tries to help a teen girl reunite with her mother but unintentionally does more harm than good.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I do like that how when Iris found out that this “time virus” is coming for her, she immediately notified Barry and he was instantly there for her. Finally, a story where a character isn’t keeping something from the main hero.
2. The Blame Flame is really an intriguing villain or entity. When Frost and the team lure it to Star Labs to capture it, the Black Flame arrives but already knows what the team is doing. I actually am really curious about this villain.
3. I am interested in seeing where this story with Iris and the time virus goes. This virus with Iris is spiraling out of control when she accidentally deletes the girl’s mother she was helping.
5. The Black Flame comes to see Caitlin, it speaks to her and says something only one other person has said to Caitlin… Ronnie. Could this be a version of Ronnie Raymond returning to the series?
What I Disliked
1. While I like and respect that Frost is “taking the fight” to the Black Flame, I hate how she doesn’t value her life, and that she will not listen to Caitlin. I truly thought that Frost would always listen to what Caitlin says or tells her, but I guess not.
2. Is there a need to bring Caitlin’s mother back and all of a sudden put out the information that she is close to receiving her own ice powers similar to Caitlin, Frost, and their father? I don’t see how this was needed at all, especially a few seasons after the whole “ice family” storyline with Caitlin.
3. I also fully believe we don’t need any more family development with the Snows, this far into the show’s life span. I feel as though this could have and should have been done while we were at the beginning of Frost’s story.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was the post-credits scene. The reveal that the Black Flame could potentially be Ronnie Raymond returning to the series. I’ve always liked the character of Firestorm whether that is Ronnie or Jax.
Standout Character
I think the only logical choice will have to be Frost. She was the main focus of the episode, while I disagree with how some of her story played out, she was key for this episode.
While the episode lacked in some area’s mainly not having as much Flash as we should have, the story was well balanced throughout. A lot of great potential reveals did happen like with the Black Flame. Ronnie Raymond potentially returning is huge. I am also very interested to see where the Iris story goes.
Rating /10
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The Review
Story - 6
Action - 4
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 8
Quality - 8.5
While the episode lacked in some area's mainly not having as much Flash as we should have, the story was well balanced throughout. A lot of great potential reveals did happen like with the Black Flame. Ronnie Raymond potentially returning is huge. I am also very interested to see where the Iris story goes.