Season 9 Episode 3 – “Barry recruits an unlikely team of allies to steal a valuable piece of equipment before the new Rogues can.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I love that we’re seeing the Rogues steal components that allow someone to build a cosmic treadmill. Barry explains that it allows the user to open a portal and could destroy the timeline itself because of how dangerous it is, it’s what basically all speedsters use.
2. I do like Chester, he’s a cool character, but I would have loved to have Hartley as a permanent member of Team Flash. He was Cisco Ramone before Cisco Ramone. He was, as Dr. Wells put it, the prodigal child.
3. I hate to say it but I have to agree with the “Rogues” in the situation about the plan. If Barry can not trust them, even Hartley, they all can not work together on stealing the tech they need. Jacko said it best to Barry in the scene.
4. Chester speaks with Luke Fox about the tech. Luke tells Chester that the tech seems to be Wayne Tech. He also mentions that a few weeks ago, Ryan Wilder went out on patrol and never returned.
5. Chillblaine asks Red Death how they can trust him when they don’t even know who they are under the mask. Red Death removes the helmet to reveal a brand new version of Ryan Wilder with a menacing look, she tells him “I am vengeance.”
What I Disliked
1. Great, they brought back Goldface. Along with Chillblaine, Goldface is also a very annoying character. He’s always been annoying, lackluster, and not even a threat, I do not understand why they keep bringing him back.
2. I just can not get away with the new version of a character that Danielle Panabaker is, Khione. She’s just blank, she does not do anything in the episode apart from learning new things and giving advice like she’s been here before, but that can’t be true as she’s a blank canvas essentially.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would simply see Barry and the Rogues work together to break into the vault. Each member of the Rogues has their own system they need to take offline so that Barry can get into the vault. Chillblaine turns on Barry and the team, he joins the Rogues and Red death.
The two teams face off until Red Death runs in and knows Barry and the team down. Red Death asks Barry where is his speed now. What an entrance to make to introduce yourself to The Flash.
Standout Character
Honestly, I have to give it to Jacko. He told Barry straight and was willing to help in the mission and is still willing to help defeat Red Death.
Overall, the episode was fun, somewhat action-packed, and actually a really good team-up episode with many different characters. The reveal at the end of the episode was so intense, so powerful, menacing, and more.
Rating: 9.1/10
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The Review
Story - 9.5
Action - 8
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9
Overall, the episode was fun, somewhat action-packed, and actually a really good team-up episode with many different characters. The reveal at the end of the episode was so intense, so powerful, menacing, and more.