Season 5 episode 19 “Caitlin must resolve her relationship with her mother when Icicle returns to enact the next phase of his devious plan. Iris takes matters into her own hands after Barry makes a decision about their family without consulting her.”
The Good & The Bad
The Good
1. straight away we get thrown into the episode when we see Iris and Barry having an intense argument about Barry’s decision to take Nora back to the future and leave her there. This scene showed great writing and incredible acting by both Grant Gustin and Candice Patton. The scene was emotional and just incredible to witness. Dare I even say it, this scene is my favorite non speedster scene this season.
2. Eobard Thawne teaching Nora about a way to get back to 2019 and this way is no other than to use the negative speedforce which Eobard created himself. We see him coaching Nora on how to open the negative speedforce for her to travel back through time but it doesn’t work. Eobard tells Nora she needs to shatter her soul and is part of a negative force now.
3. Nora & Thawnes scenes together have been really impressive this season and have been the best moments about the season in general. The relationship as student and somewhat master is really interesting to see. It seems as though Thawne actually cares about Nora as he has a little nick name for her, Little Runner.
4. Iris and Ralph making a plan to go to the future and bring Nora back to 2019 was really great to see. While this all future trip Iris took was emotional and moving, Ralph made it funny by impersonating the prison guard.
5. Caitlin and her mothers ‘reunion’ so to speak. Throughout the episode we see Caitlin and her mother kidnapped by Icicle so he can carry out the rest of his plan. We get to know some back story about the rocky relationship Caitlin and her mother has had over the years. It was great to see them reconnect and to see her mother have a hint of meta-human DNA at the end of the episode.
The Bad
1. Barry is a hypocrite… Earlier in the season he told Nora that maybe Eobard could turn good but as soon as he found out Nora was asking Eobard for help, he completely went back on what he told her and acted like he didn’t say that.
2. I feel like because Sherloque told everyone about Nora’s secret everyone has misplaced anger toward him… This isn’t fair because he’s a master detective and the team should of been thankful he told them.
3. Icicle was a great character they introduced to the show but his look and suit reminded me of something out of a 1990’s Batman movie.
Holy Shit Moment
Killer Frost vs Icicle was a great action scene. We saw them both gliding around on a ice pad fighting each other. Icicle got the better of Frost and just when he was about to kill her, her father released and took over from Icicle and saved Caitlin. We see them return to The Flash and then Cicada shows up and we get a fight scene between her and Killer Frost. Then when Cicada threw her knife towards Killer Frost her father jumped in the way and sacrificed himself for Caitlin.
Nora finally gets angry enough to use the negative speed force and we see her take off running and while she’s running at amazing speeds we see her lightning which is purple and yellow become purple and red. We see her go through time back to 2019 and we see her eyes fully red like Reverse Flash’s!

Such an incredible episode, back and fourth between great and emotional scenes. Iris and Barry argument was amazing. Fantastic episode. Finally involving the negative speedforce!