Season 6 Episode 19 “Barry considers a risky plan to save Iris from the Mirrorverse; Ralph attempts to stop Sue from making a grave mistake that could destroy her life.”
What I Liked?
1. Barry and Ralph find the location of Blackholes weapons and blackmail information in a warehouse. When they arrive they meet Mirror-Singh who’s in the process of burning the warehouse down. This intrigued me because it showed us that the mirror copies of people who Eva clones, have their own will, Mirror-Iris wanting to be alive, Mirror-Singh devoted to Eva.
2. We also see the consequences of Iris being trapped inside the Mirrorverse. Her brain is adapting to her world being backward and she’s beginning to see things straight now… sooner or later, she’ll become what Eva has.
3. Mirror-Singh offers Barry a deal, Carver for Iris… Nash noticed Barry consider it so he takes matters in his own hands and uses his smoke pellet device to transport them to Star Labs. Nash immediately sees Harry Wells from Earth-2 who tells Nash that the barry he knew wouldn’t even consider the offer. I feel like there is more to Nash seeing the multiverse Wells.
4. Eva has offered the villains who worked for Carver a deal which obviously they accepted the deal. Carver made a mistake of treating his “protection” badly. Always comes back to bite you.
5. Eva holds a press conference after the events of the ending. She informs the public that she’ll be resuming her role in the company Carver was running. She always tells the public that Carver was murdered by Sue. I guess we’ll see more of her come season 7.
6. Cecile gives Barry a surprise, the return of Joe, after the two reunite, we see Iris and Kamile inside the Mirrorverse, Iris starts getting the headaches again but then… disappears? What could this mean for Iris in Season 7?
What I Disliked?
1. As much as I liked the Frost/Mother scenes, they took away from the main story, especially with it being the “finale”. The frost scenes slowed the pace down.
2. As much as I love Ralph and Sue’s chemistry, Sue’s been quite annoying. It’s like just ask Ralph for helping, if Ralph helps, Team Flash would too.

Favorite Moment
Before the episode aired, the producers and actors teased the biggest fight in the show’s history and THEY delivered. The entire end fight scene was one big fight between Nash, Allegra, and Ralph against Carver’s former henchmen. Crazy back and forth until Eva manages to throw some broken shards of the mirror through Barry killing Carver. This whole scene was amazing.
Standout Character
Nash. He tried to save Barry, He saved Allegra and managed to fix his issues with her. He started off rough but quickly became my second favorite version of the “Wells” character.
The Verdict
This episode for it being a really unexpected finale delivered so much. The episode was decent overall, decently paced, and has some small teases yet a huge one which should be a good story for Season 7. Shame we didn’t get the last few episodes of Season 6 and the Reverse Flash tease.