Season 8 Episode 16 – “The Flash gets blasted with a shockwave forcing his body to age prematurely.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I loved the opening of the episode, it makes you think that Team Flash is in trouble, while Barry is stopping crime and saving an old woman, we learn that they are playing D&D. Joe has no clue what is happening.
2. Captain Singh returns and brings Barry a case. It’s great to see Singh again. Barry runs to the shipyard to bring in the thief. Although Barry slightly underestimates the thief who hits Barry with a pulse which causes Barry’s body to age faster.
3. I love the fact that Joe is usually the one to give the speech but this time, it was Singh giving Joe a speech about his life, him raising The Flash, and giving him his greatest superpower. I absolutely loved this scene.
What I Disliked
1. This is an obvious filler episode. This villain is kind of stupid, how he managed to outsmart the Flash is so stupid as well. I absolutely dislike him as a villain.
2. Not much action in this episode, I get the whole “use the speedforce, age 10 years” plot but ultimately the lack of action is hurting this episode. I do like how it’s essentially a battle of minds though… Barry uses his intelligence.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment was when Barry finds out about the experiment Caitlin is doing to bring back Frost. Caitlin even goes as far as to try to bribe Barry by saying what if we could bring his mother back. We then get to see Barry use his lightning to destroy the lab Caitlin built.
Standout Character
I have to give this one to Cecile I think. She was the voice of reason for Barry in this episode and gave him a speech about her grandmother which motivated Barry in his end fight to save the city.
This was an obvious filler episode up until the last moments of the episode when Barry finds out about Caitlin’s plans to bring Frost back. The story was lackluster and didn’t do much, same with the action, however, the characters absolutely made the episode good.
Rating: 8/10
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The Review
Story - 6.5
Action - 6
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 8.5
Quality - 9
This was an obvious filler episode up until the last moments of the episode when Barry finds out about Caitlin's plans to bring Frost back. The story was lackluster and didn't do much, same with the action, however, the characters absolutely made the episode good.