Season 8 Episode 18 – “A new speedster in town gives The Flash more than he bargained for; Cecile’s powers experience a growth spurt, allowing her to aid Team Flash on an entirely different level.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. An opening introduction narrated by Meena shows that for the next 4 minutes, she’s the fastest woman alive, we see her training with Barry in the forest. Barry and Meena come concerned when we get to see artificial speedforce interact with natural speedforce.
2. Cecile is in the bank when three robbers come to rob the bank, we get to see a weird moment when Cecile’s powers cause her to see an aura of people’s emotions and her powers can now cause her to change people’s emotions.
3. So I don’t watch the promos for the next episode on purpose I want to be surprised if anything huge happens in the episode. This is one of those times. Barry goes to Fast Track labs to see Meena’s project for artificial speedforce, she introduces him to the “brains” behind the technology. Eobard Thawn. Not the one with Harry’s face, but the original Reverse Flash played by Matt Letscher. He has finally returned.
4. John Diggle returns to speak with the Eobard Thawn that is on Lian-Yu. He speaks to Thawn about him opening the box he found. Diggle can hear voices in his head coming from the box. I truly hope the payoff is great.
5. We get a really cool chase scene between Barry and Meena, across the water. Meena debuts a new power by using power directly from the negative speedforce which canceled out The Flash’s power. I don’t think we’ve even seen Reverse Flash do that.

What I Disliked
1. Reverse Flash was walking Diggle through how to open the box, a story like 2 years into the making, so much development, appearances on multiple shows for this exact story just for Diggle to turn to throw the box away and say no to it. An absolutely awful payoff, 2 years of storytelling wasted. What an absolute joke.
2. While I’m glad that the original Eobard Flash came back this episode, and we have the brutal, sadistic, merciless one locked up on Lian-Yu. I have to say, I disliked the way they brought the original Eobard back, how he was changed from a villain to a hero on Legends of Tomorrow.
3. I just still think Caitlin and Chillblaine bringing Frost back or trying to bring her back undermines Frost’s original death, and how she protected Caitlin. It’s just a stupid story.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would be the moment Flash confronts Eobard and tells him he’s taking him to Iron Heights. Meena gets angry at Flash and uses the machine to force the negative speedforce into her causing her eyes to turn red like Reverse Flash.
Standout Character
I’ll have to give this to Eobard Thawn (locked up version). In every scene, he is in he just steals with his menacing personality. Whether that be with Barry or Diggle, the focus is always on Eobard because you never know how angry, off-script, and explosive he’ll be.
Honestly, a very fun, entertaining, and interesting episode. From the moment Barry see’s the original Eobard to his mind not comprehend that the brutal, murderous Eobard is still locked up on Lian-Yu. The downside of the episode was that 2 years’ worth of story development, was just thrown away.
Rating: 9.2/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Review
Story - 9
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 8
Honestly, a very fun, entertaining, and interesting episode. From the moment Barry sees the original Eobard to his mind not comprehend that the brutal, murderous Eobard is still locked up on Lian-Yu. The downside of the episode was that 2 years' worth of story development, was just thrown away.