Season 9 Episode 4 – “The Flash is forced to make an impossible choice; with the power out in the city, Team Flash calls upon the Rogue Squad to help; Iris is visited by an old friend; Joe and Cecile work on finding a balance.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I know that this is weird like but I do like how the show has actually given us Joe and Cecile’s kid. It’s like they forgot they had a baby and the baby had gone missing for a couple of seasons, especially with Cecile, it feels like she’s just given up on her kid.
2. Red Death draws out Barry, gets him to drop his guard when Rainbow Raider from season one arrives, and uses his powers on The Flash causing him to feel fear and pass out. Red Death then knocks the power out in the entire city.
3. Red Death uses Barry’s lightning rod, Iris. She arrives at Barry and Iris’s apartment unsuited up and injured, this version of Ryan manages to get into the apartment and gets help from Iris. I get the sense that Iris knows that she’s somewhat being lied to.
4. WHAT?!?!? This Red Death is truly smart. She built her own speed and suit, this means she can be out of the suit while the suit is speaking to Barry. While Barry is pleading with the suit, the suit reveals that it’s empty by taking off the helmet.
5. The story that Ryan gave Iris about The Flash being her greatest villain on her “earth” seem plausible but can Iris truly believe her, especially with the name “Red Death.” I need more backstory for this version of Ryan.
6. Mark decides it is never too late for a second chance, Barry’s power has been drained and his team of Rogues came in and rescued Barry while Mark holds off the evil Rogues. The evil Rogues get the upper hand and seemingly kill Mark. Although, his death is still questionable because of the age-old saying “no body, no death.

What I Disliked
1. Honestly, at this point, I’m fully on Joe’s side. About giving Jenna a normal life, but Cecile doesn’t seem to want that. This dislike is purely for Cecile.
2. I’m sorry but what was that scene involving the glass shards, Cecile, and the front door? That was so cringe-worthy that I felt embarrassed watching it.
Favorite Moment
Honestly, my favorite moment would truly have to be Ryan Wilder attacking Iris and seeing her suit come together. It was so sick. I actually love the Red Death suit. 10/10 suit.
Standout Character
Honestly, I’m going to give this to Red Death. She had an interesting story, her suit is godly and she was just menacing, to be honest.
Overall, a solid first episode to a two-part episode. This episode was really interesting from a Red Death viewpoint. Her motivations were somewhat basic but overall the execution of the episode was great.
Rating: 8.6/10
Promo For Next Episode
The Flash
Story - 8
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 8
Overall, a solid first episode to a two-part episode. This episode was really interesting from a Red Death viewpoint. Her motivations were somewhat basic but overall the execution of the episode was great.