Season 9 Episode 5 – As the Red Death wreaks havoc on Central City, Barry and Iris come up with a plan and turn to Cecile for help; Barry is faced with what he thinks was his greatest mistake; Joe gives Barry a needed pep talk.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Although it was short-lived, it was good to finally see Kramer use her powers. As Red Death and co turn up at the station, she mimics one of the powers. She got cuffed by Red Death in a few seconds but it’s a shame we’ve never seen her use her powers fully yet. This was the closest to that.
2. For me, a speedster is always the best type of villain when it comes to this show. As Flash and the Rogues head to save Mark, it’s an obvious trap by Red Death. She takes Barry down instantly again like it’s a complete mismatch. We’ve never seen anything like this since Savitar and I love it. It riles Barry up and it’s just entertaining seeing him try to hold his own.
3. I do completely understand why the Rogues decided to leave. They make a firm point that they lost. At this stage of the battle, they’ve been completely outplayed from the beginning. I would walk away as well. However, in regards to this, you know they’re gonna show up when they’re desperately needed.
4. Joe and Barry have an emotional conversation and you feel both sides. Joe mentions that he’s not a meta and he’s not a cop anymore. Barry mentions that he’s needed due to him inspiring heroes. I always love a good emotional conversation in these shows.
5. It’s nice to see Grodd again. More so the fact he’s been manipulated into helping Red Death. It’s him who gives Barry a push for his speed to return and so forth my next like comes…
6. It’s now The Flash vs Red Death and what a battle. Red Death does get the upper hand in the fight and she’s about to kill Barry until the Rogues turn up to help. What a moment.
7. It seems as though Batwoman is working alongside Supergirl and her team. Ryan mentions that the next time Iris is in Gotham to stop by with her, Kara, Alex, and Nia. I honestly did hope we’d get to see Melissa return as Kara since we’re giving the Arrowverse a proper send-off.
8. Joe gives a good send-off, Chester and Allegra are official and Iris is pregnant. A beautiful ending to the episode.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
Batwoman returns!! What an entrance alongside it too! It’s now confirmed Red Death is in fact from a different timeline. It’s now Red Death vs Batwoman after Red Death’s speed is nullified temporarily. It’s an even battle until The Flash meta-cuffs Red Death. This was a phenomenal scene all around!
Standout Character
This is a surprising one but I’m going to give it to Joe. We often pass Joe off as just being a side character but when you look back on everything he’s done through the seasons, plus his speech in this episode and doing the right thing for his daughter…it makes sense. I’m assuming that’s it for Joe’s character and he deserved a lovely send-off.
This is perhaps one of the best episodes of The Flash in a very long time. The show has had some very bumpy moments but so far, this season has been great and this episode is no different. A perfect episode.
Rating /10
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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
This is perhaps one of the best episodes of The Flash in a very long time. The show has had some very bumpy moments but so far, this season has been great and this episode is no different. A perfect episode.