Season 6 Episode 4 “Barry’s efforts to prepare Cisco for Crisis are derailed when Cisco schemes to save Barry’s life instead; Ramsey Rosso uses his deadly new abilities to save his own life, while sacrificing his humanity in the process.”
What I Liked?
1. Ramsey is quickly losing control of his abilities or the need to find a cure. He breaks into the hospital and steals 10 pints of blood to do tests to try to cure the cancer he has and to rebuild his cellular structure.
2. Barry and Cisco are speaking about them wanting to save a life, Cisco thinks their talking about Barry but Barry is talking about Ramsey because Caitlin told him how great of a doctor he is.
Barry gives the serum to Ramsey which could potentially cure him. Ramsey asks Barry does he not want a cure but Barry tells him there isn’t enough serum for him.
3. Ralph was acting a bit weird this episode, he’s putting off finding the missing person, Sue, when he talks to Iris he lets slip that if he can’t save Barry how can he save Sue. This was a great scene, we see just how much Ralph has come to respect and love Barry.
4. Ramsey runs the serum in a experiment to see if it can cure him but it doesn’t, he comes to realize that adrenaline is the blocker in the serum so he decides to kill people in order for him to live and thus Bloodwork is born.
5. Team Flash is dealing with Barry potentially dying in their own way, Cisco is trying to find a way to save Barry, Iris is dealing with it along with Barry, Ralph is angry, Frost is well she’s Frost but the person dealing with it the least is Joe.. queue the favorite moment.
6. Nash Wells is a curious case… he’s like Indiana Jones searching for something… or someone? We see him tracking someone in the sewers… who is this someone? It’s The Monitor. What does Wells want with The Monitor? Is this new version of Wells Pariah?
What I Disliked?
1. This new version of Wells hasn’t shown any potential yet. I’ll need to give him a couple more episodes to get used to him but so far he’s just annoying.
2. Cisco’s decision making in this episode was so bad. He knows that it’s set in stone that Barry has to die and he chose to hide the serum to not save Ramsey.
Favorite Moments?
1. Barry the voice of reason.. Him and Cisco speak about wanting to save Barry but Barry wants to teach Cisco a less in how to understand how it feels to save someones life over someone else. Barry wants Cisco to be the leader after Barry is gone.
2. Barry and Frost make it to the hospital to find Ramsey feeding on living beings. The people Ramsey killed start coming back to life to attack Flash and Frost so they get rid of them while Ramsey kills a doctor and escapes.
3. Short but sweet point… the tease of the marriage between Ralph and his future wife, Sue.
4. Now this next point was my favorite moment of the entire season so far.. the heartbreaking scene between Barry and Joe talking about Barry saving the world countless times and him dying is how he’s repaid. Barry tells Joe that he’s grateful for the stuff he has, Iris, Team Flash, being The Flash but what he’s most grateful for is Joe. They cry and hug.

The Verdict.
An absolute incredible episode from the dialogue to action to heartbreaking scenes and talks between Barry and Cisco or Barry and Joe. Ramsey is becoming full on Bloodwork which i’m interested to see how it looks compared to the comic.