Season 9 Episode 1 – “Barry and Iris relive the same day over and over again; Joe has a heart-to-heart with Cecile; friends and foes, old and new, begin to descend upon Central City.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. You know, the episode started off with an opening fight, while it did showcase a team-up, the dialogue was very cringe, I’d happily ignore that because it was a nightmare Barry had seeing everyone he loves die around by the same thing, red lightning in the eyes.
2. A brand new Captain Boomerang appears in Central City, and actually gets the better of The Flash. It’s safe to say that this version of Captain Boomerang is better than what we originally had. While the OG was decent, this version feels different.
3. I do like how while reliving the same day over and over again, Iris just basically said “F it” and started drinking wine in the morning. I like her thinking. While it takes Barry by shock, it is a unique way of dealing with the situation.
4. Iris and Barry are arguing over the “timeline” book that Barry is keeping. How Barry knows what will happen tomorrow, the next day, the next week, and so on, and I get both sides, honestly, I do. I get Barry’s point, but I am leaning more toward Iris because while she wants that future, she wants to choose when stuff happens.
5. Captain Boomerang takes the device back to his “boss” who gives him more boomerangs. The boss is revealed to be a speedster… with red lightning… the Red Death logo appears.
What I Disliked
1. As said in my first point, the opening scene dialogue was a tad cringeworthy. I truly wish they fixed the dialogue while writing the show.
2. Is it just me who thinks Allegra having a secret meeting with Cat Grant while Iris was away on holiday about buying Iris’s Central Citizen news company? This is all kinds of disrespect in my opinion.
3. It wouldn’t be a superhero show without a “Groundhog Day” episode. This is happening right now. Barry and Iris have both been affected by a piece of tech and Barry’s lightning causing the two to relive the day over and over again. Let’s see how this plays out.
4. Not sure how I feel about this not Caitlin/not Frost character who Danielle Panabaker is playing this season. I thought the original story of Frost sacrificing herself was a beautiful send-off to the character and allowed Danielle to focus on Caitlin, so this payoff for her story better be worth it.

Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would simply be Barry and Iris working together on agreeing with each other’s next move. Iris bought out a Coast City new’s company while expanding her news empire, and Barry agreed to become a director within CCPD. Captain Boomerang sets off a nuke within the city and we get to truly see just how powerful The Flash truly is when he vibrates the nuke at a frequency that allows the explosion to pass through the entire city and people.
Standout Character
Honestly, I’m going to give this to Iris. While getting an offer from Cat Grant to buy her out would be amazing and a huge opportunity for any company, Iris stood her grown and decided to grow her empire on her own.
Overall, a typical “Groundhog Day” story for the Season 9 premiere episode. While the introduction to new characters such as Red Death and Captain Boomerang was an interesting debut, the rest of the episode was fun and an ok way to start the final season. I am interested in seeing just how ruthless Red Death will be.
Rating: 8.1/10
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The Review
Story - 7
Action - 7
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 8.5
Overall, a typical "Groundhog Day" story for the Season 9 premiere episode. While the introduction to new characters such as Red Death and Captain Boomerang was an interesting debut, the rest of the episode was fun and an ok way to start the final season. I am interested in seeing just how ruthless Red Death will be.