Season 2 Episode 2 “The Mandalorian must ferry a passenger with precious cargo on a risky journey.”
What I Liked
1. If there’s one thing I love more than anything about this show it’s about how smooth Din is when he fights, and how quickly he adapts to the situation. After he’s ambushed, he quickly gathers his feet and takes them out. Not to mention how cute Baby Yoda is as he runs back to Din after the fight.
2. It feels great to see the X-Wings so close up again. After they stop Din on his new side-quest he starts outmaneuvering them and a chase begins. It’s great that they have now shown us the New Republic, especially what started after the Empire had fallen.
3. I like how the “Frog Lady” manages to bypass the droid in order to communicate with Din. It’s actually pretty emotional when Baby Yoda keeps munching the eggs, you really do sympathize with the Frog. I like how the show makes you feel different emotions, even with characters you know won’t play a pivotal part in the main story itself.
4. There are so many memes out there now with Baby Yoda. Drinking the cup, chicken nuggies, and many more. I think a new one is coming simply because Baby Yoda is eating EVERYTHING.
What I Disliked
1. Spiders. That’s all I will say.
2. The length of the episode seemed vastly shorter than any other Mandalorian episode, and just ended very randomly. Even despite how good the episode was, I do believe it should have wrapped this part up, but it seems like it’s going to be explosive next week.
Favourite Moment
After Baby Yoda eats the spider from the egg, hundreds of spiders chase Din, Baby Yoda, and the Frog back the ship. The way Mando handles everything is just sheer class. The accuracy from his shots, to the way he just tactfully annihilates so many of them. Even when they swarm the ship, he still manages to keep control of everything. Not to mention the two Rebels from earlier showing up to help.
I’d be scrapping the ship and buying a new one after that though.
Standout Character
Din. There wasn’t really any other candidates strong enough to contend this week. There isn’t much to say except for everything I have already wrote about.
Whilst I have to admit, this weeks episode was definitely the weakest episode of the entire series, it still was damn perfect in what the episode set out to do. I believe this shows truly how incredible the show is. It’s the fact it can have a filler type episode but it still truly being amazing. Often times in other shows they feel like fillers, whereas this never. I was still extremely entertained throughout.
Rating 10/10

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
It's a soft 10, and very nearly dropped off the bat here, however, it was still a damn great episode. From the action, all the way to the connection to each character, it was perfect.