Season 2 Episode 4 “The Mandalorian rejoins old allies for a new mission.”
What I Liked
1. Din trying to explain to Baby Yoda how to put the wires back in was just hilarious and super cute on Baby Yoda’s part. A nice, good start to the episode.
2. The Marshal coming back in and just tearing up shop. I’ve legit kind of missed her this season so far. She came in and just cancelled several guys in the space of a few minutes. Pun intended.
3. Baby Yoda taking the kids, well, whatever they were was just quality. As the kid said no to Baby Yoda wanting one, he straight up uses the force to take the entire packet instead.
4. It’s very tough to kind of breakdown why I liked it so much but every single thing that happened in the base I liked. The action, the reveals, especially now Mando knows Moff Gideon is still alive. It’s all shaping up for the main story, and I couldn’t be happier with it.
5. I always love seeing skilled flying in Star Wars, similar to Po Dameron in the sequel trilogy, and the way that Din flew that plane and took out 3 tie fighters in the space of a couple of minutes was simply spectacular.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
I think for me, it has to be a moment that was shown inside the base and at the end. It was a couple of references to the sequel trilogy, in what I believe was Snoke in the chamber. Plus, a mention of a new era is now upon us as we lead into the First Order.
Standout Character
It was a tough one to call this week, but I have to give it to The Marshal, played by Gina Carano. She was fantastic this week and showed everyone why she’s a great actor for the show. Even the offer to the Republic.
We keep on saying every week that the show is exceptional, but I think at this point we can’t say anything differently. It just is on a level every single week that’s difficult to top because it’s just that good. This week was no different, as per usual.
Rating 10/10

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
We keep on saying every week that the show is exceptional, but I think at this point we can't say anything differently. It just is on a level every single week that's difficult to top because it's just that good. This week was no different, as per usual.