Season 2 Chapter 15 “The Mandalorian and the Child continue their journey through a dangerous galaxy.”
What I Liked?
1. The episode opens with a scene very reminisce of Jedi Fallen Order when we see Cal working as a scrapper, just this time its prisoners of the New Republic who are scrapping Empire machines. We see that Mayfeld from Season One is imprisoned here.
2. Cara uses her new “pull” with the New Republic to get Mayfeld released to help Din out in finding where Moff Gideon’s ship is. The head to a planet named Morak. On this planet there is a small portion of what the remaining Empire there is we see Stormtroopers from Scarif and more, surviving. Din, Mayfeld, and Care plan to hijack a truck so Din and Mayfeld pull a “Luke & Han” by taking the Stormtroopers disguise.
3. This episode is probably the only one where were see Din without any Mandalorian armor at all. Their truck gets hijacked by pirates so Din fights them off while Mayfeld drives. I loved this scene because, in the midst of the fight on top of the truck, Din gets hit by staff, and his armor breaks and it hurts him, this is pivotal because it shows just how much the Beskar armor helps. The truck nearly gets blown up until a couple of Tie Fighters kill the pirates.
4. Din and Mayfeld make it inside the Refinery and when Mayfeld goes to use the terminal, he sees an old Lieutenant he used to serve under and he’d recognize him right away, Din offers to go to the terminal but Mayfeld tells him it needs a face scan. Din scans his face, proving just how far he’d go to save Grogu. The Lieutenant comes and bothers Din until Mayfeld saves him while seeing Din’s face.
5. This is a quick point, We found out some backstory for the character of Mayfeld, we knew he was an Imperial sharpshooter at one point and that was all we knew, however in this episode it was revealed he was involved in Operation Cinder. If you haven’t heard about this, It was part of the Contingency Palpatine made to make sure the Empire and his enemies would not outlive him if he was to perish. This was also part of the story for the Battlefront 2 campaign involving Iden Versio.
6. We got a nod back to Episode 2 when Jango Fett used these weapons against Obi-Wan in the space battle. We saw Boba use them against 2 Tie Fighters in this episode.
7. Mayfeld helped Din that much that Cara made a plan that Mayfeld didn’t survive the Refinery explosion, essentially granting him his freedom. This was a cool scene, I Kind of want to see Mayfeld return. His character has grown on me.
What I Disliked?
Nothing to note.
Favorite Moment
Mayfeld and Din sit down to have a drink with the Lieutenant because Din and Mayfeld delivered the only shipment of the day. Mayfeld speaks on Operation Cinder, the Lieutenant makes Mayfeld mad so well, Mayfeld started blasting. Mayfeld hands Din his helmet and tell him he didn’t see his face. Mayfeld takes a shot from Slave-1 hitting and causing an explosion in the Refinery.
Standout Character
Surprisingly, it wasn’t Din this week, it was Mayfeld, he deserved it. From finding out his backstory to him saving Din to him taking out Stormtroopers.
The Verdict
This episode was an obvious filler, I expected it last week but somehow it managed not to have that “filler” feel to it. We got so much information, not only on characters but throwbacks too. We saw how much Grogu means to Din, we found out about Operation Cinder. The action was great. We even got another nod to Jango Fett.
Rating: 10/10

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
This episode was an obvious filler, I expected it last week but somehow it managed not to have that "filler" feel to it. We got so much information, not only on characters but throwbacks too. We saw how much Grogu means to Din, we found out about Operation Cinder. The action was great. We even got another nod to Jango Fett.