Season 3 Episode 3 – On Coruscant, former Imperials find amnesty in the New Republic.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I’m glad that’s that and the show never dragged it out. Din Djarin is officially redeemed of his transgressions with Bo-Katan mentioning to Din she witnessed it since he bathed in the Living Waters.
2. It’s fantastic to see Coruscant back in live action again. It’s a small like on this list but as a prequel fan, I love this.
3. I do find the story a tiny bit interesting in regard to the Doc. I like seeing how someone who works for the Empire can be rehabilitated and how it works.
4. Dr. Pershing being betrayed by Elia Kane was a surprise. It’s at this point it’s clear that his work and research are what Emperor Palpatine will use to eventually create Snoke. This does also lead me to believe we could possibly get Snoke this season or next.
5. The Armorer lets Din and Bo-Katan know they’ve been redeemed and are now part of the creed once more. This is due to Din providing proof of the Living Waters. I’m fairly excited to see how this group of Mandalorians will do when it comes down to it. It’s going to be great.
What I Disliked
As mentioned in the likes earlier, the story surrounding the Doc does pique my curiosity. The dislike comes in how much of the episode is dedicated to this. I understand, they’re showing us the cloning side of it which sets up Palpatine/Snoke. I hate to say it, but outside of the initial interest, it was just a bunch of confusing and boring scenes. We know the episode is in place of the Rangers of the New Republic show which was shelved after Gina Carrano was fired.
Favorite Moment
As Din, Grogu, and Bo-Katan leave and head back, they’re chased and shot at by TIE Interceptors. Honestly, I do love seeing the TIEs back in action. I always find the smallest things in this show amazing, even just seeing them fight against a squadron of TIE fighters. This entire fight scene was brilliant.
Standout Character
Although the episode was mostly dedicated to Doc and Elia. I’m still giving the standout to Din Djarin. He provided the most entertainment for me in this episode. I didn’t care a lot about this side of the story. I cared more about Din Djarin redeeming himself and he did just that.
The Mandalorian has hit 18 straight 10/10 episodes for us at Comic Universe. Unfortunately, Chapter 19 is the first episode to drop below that. It wasn’t a bad episode, it was good but this was largely due to the confusion of the episode. It took me some time to figure out what was going on and that’s never a good sign, especially to the casual fan.
Rating 8/10

The Review
Story - 8
Action - 7
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 6
Quality - 10
The Mandalorian has hit 18 straight 10/10 episodes for us at Comic Universe. Unfortunately, Chapter 19 is the first episode to drop below that. It wasn't a bad episode, it was good but this was largely due to the confusion of the episode. It took me some time to figure out what was going on and that's never a good sign, especially to the casual fan.
“The Mandalorian” continues to deliver stellar episodes with “Chapter 19: The Convert.” The episode introduced a fascinating new character in Mayfeld, played brilliantly by actor Bill Burr. The action sequences were intense and the storyline had several surprising twists that kept me on the edge of my seat. Overall, this episode was a great addition to an already excellent season and I can’t wait to see what happens next in the world of “The Mandalorian.”