Season 1 Episode 8 “The Mandalorian comes face-to-face with an unexpected enemy.”
What I Liked
1. I know this is the tiniest like, however watching the stormtroopers on the speeder bikes having a full blown conversation is weird. You never really see them talking to each other. Even after the war is over, it’s just weird.
2. IG-11 shows up to save Baby Yoda. Brilliant, just simply brilliant.
3. We now know Mando’s actual name is Din Djarin. We also learn he wasn’t born on Mandalore, and the Mandalorian is a creed, not a race. Furthermore to our learning of the star character, it seems when his parents put him in a box to save him, a battle droid showed up to kill him. However, a Mandalorian soldier shows up just in time. A backstory quickly told, and well told at that.
4. IG-11 flying in with the speeder, Baby Yoda on the front, taking out the stormtroopers was amazing. Baby Yoda seemingly having a good time was adorable, as well!
5. As the Flame Trooper storms the building setting everything on fire, he manages to get them all pinned down. Up steps Baby Yoda, who uses the force to contain the fire and blow it back to the trooper. Incredible!
6. The Mandalorian is finally unmasked!!! IG-11 unmasked Din to save his life after Gidian incapacitated him, nearly killing him.
7. The Jedi got a mention eventually. Din is told to take Baby Yoda back to his home planet, and if he doesn’t, Din is Baby Yoda’s father. I like the latter to be honest.
8. Din finally receives a jet pack! Gotta get me one of those.
9. The armorer after giving Din the jet pack is stormed in my Stormtroopers, and she just absolutely tears through them with a wench, and a hammer. Unbelievable scenes.
10. Seeing Din take so well to IG-11 is quite emotional. Especially when IG-11’s plan is to self destruct to save everybody else. Din tries to come up with another plan, but it was a tough watch. IG-11 goes to the end of the river where a platoon of troopers are waiting, and blows the entire platoon up.
11. Din taking down Gidian’s Tie Fighter. Wow. Just simply wow.
12. Right at the end; Gidian survives the takedown from Din, and he only goes and whips out the BLACK SABER! What a way to end it!
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favourite Moment
After IG-11 distracts the troopers guarding the building. All 3 let loose, especially Mando. He manages to pick up the brand new turret they put down, but everything is just chaos. Fantastic entertainment!
Standout Character
IG-11. This wasn’t remotely difficult to choose. He saved everyone, more than once this episode. If it wasn’t for IG-11, they would have probably lost.
An incredible finale to a perfect series. I’m devastated it’s over, for now, but this episode was nothing short of spectacular. It delivered on all fronts. I cannot express how great this season has been, not to mention this action packed finale. Just, I have no words to describe how good this series really is.