Season 1 Episode 1 “A Mandalorian bounty hunter tracks a target for a well-paying client.” *Synopsis unreleased as of today*
What I Liked
1. Right, we saw the bar fight in the last trailer dropped. What a scene. That armour is absolutely beautiful! I am so excited for this. The scenery looks amazing as well.
2. Seeing the stormtrooper armor again is always a nice touch. It’s always great when we see something familiar in a TV show/movie like this.
3. I’m not clued up on the Mandalorian so to speak, so when we got a 5 minute scene of a shoulder pad being built, I was beyond confused. Why is it important? Why have they got montage music on? I dug a little deeper. It turns out the armor is so sacred, and they used this armor to fight jedi. It made so much sense.
4. As the armor is being forged, we get a slight insight to the backstory of our star cast. Similar to Rogue One, it looks like his family was killed, and he was hidden away.
5. The new droid we saw in the trailer on multiple occasions makes their appearance relatively quickly. The Mandalorian and the droid get into a gun fight, and the entire scene is just incredible. The skill, the tactics, the brutality, it’s just amazing. I’m in awe at how good this is so far.

What I Disliked
Nothing to report here that was overwhelming. Slightly slow to begin with, but picked up dramatically as it went on.
Favourite Moment
A glimpse of Yoda’s species at the very end! This has been sacred among the Star Wars lore. We still don’t know what species Yoda was, and I hope this is going to explore that!
Standout Character
There’s only one real winner here. The droid, I’m kidding. The Mandalorian (I’m still unsure of his actual name so we will go with this for now) deserved all the praise. He was edgy, smooth, and just simply fantastic.
The series I was unsure I wanted, but the series I realised I really need. Scenery, action, storytelling, this episode had it all. I am incredibly excited for this to continue!
Rating 10/10