Brief Overview
The Mandalorian is back with another highly anticipated season. This is a show that is so highly loved and praised by fans all around the world, it’s natural that even the trailer for the third season would give enough excitement to everyone.
We’re coming off the back of a very successful second season plus great episodes from The Book of Boba Fett. We reviewed each episode individually but today, we review the entire season as a whole. In this way, we give our thoughts on the entire season whereas individual episodes can be great but may not be great to the overall thing.
Obviously, this review WILL contain major spoilers. You have time to click off the review now if you haven’t finished the season.
Story – 9/10
The overall story of the Mandalorians reclaiming Mandalore for themselves was incredible, without a doubt. What let the story down was the New Republic-focused episode, as well as the episode with Lizzo and Jack Black.
The story revolving around Mandalore was absolutely incredible, seeing the Mandalorian culture come into play, and actually getting to explore Mandalore was perfect. The self-inflicted conflict between the different tribes of Mandalorians was also unique in the aspect that we moved past and the story progressed and developed the Mandalorians.
Action – 10/10
The action throughout this season has been incredible. It wasn’t just land-based fighting either, it was sky, and space as well. Each scene just becomes greater and greater and well-choreographed. I can honestly say the overall fight scenes throughout this season have been some of the best in the entire series.
The Mandalorian fight scene in the finale felt like they watched the Siege of Mandalore arc and fight scenes from The Clone Wars season 7 and said “Yes, let’s do this again just in live-action”. Honestly, I was in awe at all the scenes, especially the space scene with Din and the pirates.
Characters – 9/10
The characters were fantastic. Every single Mandalorian was great and delivered some wonderful portrayals. We would have liked to see Moff Gideon more throughout the season. The only negative stuff for the characters would be Doctor Pershing and Comms Officer Elia Kane.
For more information on the full cast list, you can visit IMDb by clicking here.
Entertainment – 9/10
As previously mentioned, what let the story down was The New Republic episode and honestly, that’s where the entertainment lacked for me. I thought it was boring, plain, and just overall a bad episode. IT focused far too much on Doctor Pershing and Elia Kane after coming off a fantastic battle between Bo-Katan and Din against the Empire.
Besides that, however, the return of Mandalore is something the series did need. We know what the Empire did to the planet so to see it return in live-action was amazing. We also got to see Mandalorian creeds come together in order to take the planet back, you can’t get better than that.

Episodes – 8.5/10
The Mandalorian ran 8 episodes that have been the same now across 3 seasons. Each episode is roughly the same in length around 40-45 minutes which is no issue with us at all.
The issue I have is veering off course. The structure of the episodes felt very scattered with Episode 3 being completely off course more than the others. Thankfully, 95% of the entire series did come full circle at the very end which is why the episodes section of the review gets an 8.5.
Antagonist – 7/10
The antagonist for this season was Moff Gideon. We absolutely love Gideon and is easily one of the more terrifying villains in live-action Star Wars due to how unpredictable he is. However, the fact he was only in the season for the final 2 episodes does drop this rating a lot.
Don’t get me wrong, when he was on screen, he was fantastic as he always is. I just wish we had seen more of him and the Shadow Council. This side of things could have been shown a lot earlier to make the final episode more impactful.
Quality – 10/10
Quality, once again, fantastic. I saw absolutely no issues with the quality. The Mandalorian has some of the best-looking qualities in any Star Wars project and It’s hard to say a negative thing about it. The quality of the show is projected by the people behind the scenes. You can truly see that they care for the quality of the show.

Favorite Episode
I think it’s safe to say that the finale was our favorite episode. IT was honestly fantastic, it was The Clone Wars brought to live-action and it delivered some epic scenes, emotional scenes, and some incredible action.
It’s not to take away from any other episode, but the finale was just that good.
Worst Episode
It’s easily episode 3, The Convert. It was perhaps the worst Mandalorian episode in the entire show’s run. It was interesting to an extent, considering this was an episode that was used to show the cloning side of things when it comes to Palpatine/Snoke but it was just boring. It went on for far too long and barely included Din Djarin or other Mandalorians. You could watch the first 5 minutes and the last 2 and just save yourself time.
Episodes & Their Ratings
Episode 1: The Apostate – 10/10
Episode 2: The Mines of Mandalore – 10/10
Episode 3: The Convert – 8/10
Episode 4: The Foundling – 10/10
Episode 5: The Pirate – 10/10
Episode 6: Guns For Hire – 10/10
Episode 7: The Spies – 10/10
Episode 8: The Return – 10/10
Average rating – 9.8/10
Our Overall Rating 8.9/10
Our overall review is different from the average. I do agree that we were maybe a bit too generous with some of the ratings on the other episodes. On a whole though, the season was great, there’s no doubt about that. If Episode 3 wasn’t a thing and Moff Gideon was more involved, there’s no reason this wouldn’t have been a 10. It’s a shame considering the first 2 seasons got perfect 10/10 scores.
Does It Deserve Another Season?

In all seriousness though, season 3 has been the weakest season out of the 3 but there’s no doubt that a season 4 will happen. The Mandalorian is one of the greatest TV shows in history and how season 3 ended, it’s safe to say we’re excited for the future of the show.
The Mandalorian is exclusively available on Disney+. If you’re not subscribed, you can click here to visit the website to look at the pricing in your country.
Season Trailer
The Review
Story - 9
Action - 10
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9
Episodes - 8.5
Antagonist - 7
Quality - 10
Our overall review is different from the average. I do agree that we were maybe a bit too generous with some of the ratings on the other episodes. On a whole though, the season was great, there's no doubt about that. If Episode 3 wasn't a thing and Moff Gideon was more involved, there's no reason this wouldn't have been a 10. It's a shame considering the first 2 seasons got perfect 10/10 scores.