First and foremost, this is purely my opinion, my thoughts, and my reasoning as to why I believe that The Punisher is a far better series than Daredevil.
Don’t get me wrong, I love all the Netflix shows but for the longest time I thought Daredevil was better until recently.

Charlie Cox as Daredevil will always be a fantastic casting, what he brought to the role of Daredevil was beyond incredible, but this goes for Jon Bernthal as Frank Castle as well. This casting alone is on another level. Jon brought life, emotion, suffering, and damage to the role of Frank.
I was recently scrolling through TikTok and I saw a clip of a scene from The Punisher series where something in my mind just clicked. It was the scene from the first season where Madani is speaking to Frank about him killing people and that this is America and it isn’t the middle east and Frank snaps and says “tell that to my wife and kids”. This caught me off guard and made me question my decision on what was better for most of the night.
The intensity that this series delivered in scenes involving Frank and his family, and the emotional rollercoaster that the series sent you through was unmatched. Yes, we had some stuff like this in Daredevil but I didn’t get the same feeling as I did with The Punisher series.

Both Daredevil and The Punisher had some incredible action scenes as well, especially in the first season of Daredevil, both shows were brutal. You can ask me if I remember Frank’s debut in the second season of Daredevil. It had everything, suspense, mystery, brutalness, death, and destruction.
With the recent rumors of Jon Bernthal returning to the role of The Punisher in the upcoming Echo series floating around, I can only hope that this is true and that Disney+ continues the brutalness, the emotional rollercoaster that the Netflix series delivered.
Give me more of that and I’ll be happy.
Jon Bernthal is the perfect casting for The Punisher. No one can match him in my own opinion.