We have had the pleasure of reviewing a brand-new comic from XanCon Entertainment. If you’re unfamiliar with these very talented writers, we reviewed their impressive comic run of Once Upon A Time In Xanatopia. You can read our review of the first 4 issues of that comic by clicking here.
Today, we take a look at their new run of The Worlds Ends In Fire and see if it’s any good and if it lives up to the very high expectations of Xanatopia. As always with comic runs, we’ll break down the review into 5 categories and give our reasoning as to why.
You can read the comic for free by clicking here.
Story – 9/10
The story is pretty simple so far. The world is ending a band of 5 heroes comes together to stop it. It’s an idea that works well, especially with the way the writer is going with it. It’s tough to give a rating to the story aspect of any comic when we only review the first issue as we only have a small glimpse of what these talented guys have planned moving forward.
As this was the first issue, it brings you in, fairly quickly, and plus it’s unique. It reminds me of Final Fantasy XV in many ways due to the car being a focal point of their journey. For me, that’s a good thing. I love these types of journeys, especially to save the world. I already referenced how Xanatopia reminded me of Final Fantasy and this did that again.
It did take me a couple of run-throughs to fully understand the story but that may be an issue on my part. Regardless of that, I still absolutely enjoyed what the writers did with the first comic and I am excited to see how it goes.
WARCOTT, ASTERISK, 84, & PHIL: The tough one, the magic one, the quick one… and a skeleton… join this band of unlikely heroes on a fantastic adventure as they try to prevent the world ending in fire. The clock’s ticking…
Official synopsis
Graphics – 10/10
The graphics and art style of the comic are very trippy, to say the least. This is what makes it stand out though, so it’s not like the usual style of comics, especially mainstream comics. When I first began to read the comic, I was initially overwhelmed by just how crowded the panels were for the art, but it began to grow on me.
I’ve said that it’s not similar to mainstream comics, it is its own unique art style which I think could be a huge plus for this comic going forward. It has a Rick & Morty-type vibe to it and people will love that.
Entertainment – 8/10
There were periods of the run that were mainly graphics and I would’ve liked to see more about why these heroes are together. I suspect that will be in the upcoming issues and will answer questions on why the world is ending and why these heroes are here to help stop it.
I was entertained throughout. I love the idea of the car, the world ending and heroes coming together to stop that. I can imagine a full graphic novel of this will be incredible if the team gets there. Overall though, I am impressed.
Time – 10/10
The comic is free to read online for start. That’s a huge plus. Then we have this newly established world the team has brought together and the outstanding artwork – that’s enough to warrant applying a few minutes of time to giving this fantastic comic a shot, not to mention everything else. I love what the team brings to the table when it comes to their comics, this is no exception. You can tell so much work has been put into this that it’s easily worth the invested time.
Characters – 9/10
We have 4 heroes.
- The Tough One
- The Magic One
- 84
- The Quick One
- A Skeleton
It would be so easy to go in and expect to see characters written in a similar fashion, I’ve seen it done being an avid comic reader so going into this comic I did not know what to expect, but I was actually surprised.
Each character has their own style, personality, and mannerisms. You get a feeling of each character being different, speaking in a different tone, and just generally being unique. I think each character suits their respective title as well.
The team can once again be beyond proud of themselves. It’s wonderful to see these types of comics fall into our email. We love to see what new stories can come together. DC Horn and Brendan Albetski have done an exceptional job on this story and I can only hope there is more to come.
Rating 9.2/10
Writer: DC Horn
Artwork: Brendan Albetski
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The Review
Story - 9
Graphics - 10
Entertainment - 8
Time - 10
Characters - 9
The team can once again be beyond proud of themselves. It's wonderful to see these types of comics fall into our email. We love to see what new stories can come together. DC Horn and Brendan Albetski have done an exceptional job on this story and I can only hope there is more to come.