*Please note. These rules are made up, sometimes in instances to give the other an advantage dependant on power. We are also aware there as thousands of scenarios and rules, however in what we have described below is the rundown we would like to give.*
Mjolnir only
Full use of powers
An open field, stretching miles apart. No pedestrians, buildings, or vehicles in sight.
– Thor initiates
– Shazam knows Thor’s power, Thor unaware of Shazam’s powers
– Fight pursues with little preparation, fight kind of just happens with no real reasoning behind it
– Morals from both sides apply
– Both are somewhat familiar of the area
– Shazam knows more about Thor
– Winner: first to fall, no deaths
– Shazam has access to the Shazam family if needed
– Thor can bring in the Warriors (except Loki) if needed
Our Predictions
Daniel – “Judging by the rules, I have to choose Shazam. Without the reinforcements I would choose Thor purely down to experience as he’s so old, however Shazam has the powers of multiple Gods, not to mention his family having powers too. To be honest, with these two mammoths going with each other, and by the rules of reinforcements, Shazam takes this one by a landslide.”
Phil – “My prediction has to go with Shazam. Not just one God, but multiple. It’s both powers and magic from everyone involved, and it’s something Thor can be particularly susceptible to.”
Rebecca – “Shazam, purely down to the fact that he has the powers of multiple Gods. Not only his own powers which includes speed, strength and others, with the family he’s essentially doubling up on each of the powers that he has. Therefore, because of the family, this one goes to Shazam. Also, Shazam was chosen because of his pure heart, meaning that in a specific scenario, Shazam could wield the Mjolnir and use it against Thor”.