Season 2 Episode 4 “Four years ago, the Titans and Garth aka Aqualad are growing into a tight-knit family. But their personal feelings start to bleed into their work, and with the arrival of a new villain, they begin to question their destiny as heroes.”
What Was Good?
1. Straight into the flashback to years ago when the original Titans were fighting crime and being a family. The Titans come across a family who are getting robbed, in swings Robin then Hawk and Dove then Wonder Girl and Aqualad. All of them showing great fighting skills and Aqualad showing off his powers.
2. In the flashback we see Slade get a contract in San Francisco, we see Slade then pull up in a car outside of a building and watching someone in the house through a pair of binoculars, we see the person making some food who has a scar going from one side of his neck to the other. This person who Slade is watching over is none other than his son… Jericho.
3. We finally see something that was hinted at in Season 1 of Titans. The Dick and Dawn relationship. We see the pair are happy living in the tower together along with Garth, Donna and Hank. This will be interesting to see going into next weeks episode if they continue the flashback scene because this episode ended on a cliffhanger. What makes Dawn go to Hank?
4. Dr Light kills his friend who has a power source which would make Dr Light a walking nuke. He kills him then goes to a bank to rob his safety deposit box. The Titans get there a little late so they go hunting for Dr Light. Dr Light continues to blow me away with how brutal and amazing he is.
The Titans find out Dr Light is going to attack a army base to get the stuff he needs to really charge himself up so they Titans arrive to stop Dr Light, Aqualad takes the brunt force of Dr Lights powers when the other 4 Titans take down and stop Dr Light.
5. After the events of this episode we get to see some more of Jericho in a music record shop. This was incredible to see because it truly showed us how Jericho communicates with people. Dick introduces himself to Jericho to get to know Slade. For being Chella Man’s first acting show he did a great job at becoming Jericho.
What Was Bad?
1. Throughout this episode we see that Donna is being distant with Garth, not wanting to spend time with him or even be on missions with him. Donna tells dick a lie about being told to return to Themyscira but really it’s to do with Garth. Garth and Donna spend a night together then she leaves in the morning.
Garth arrives at the plane where Donna is about to board.. he tells her he loves her and they both kiss. This is the part where everything changes.
Queue the Holy Shit moment.

Holy Shit Moment
1. The episode kicks off with a look at Slade in a hotel room with his suit and many guns and swords he uses. We finally get to see how brutal this version of Deathstroke is as we see him kill a witness, 2 prisoners and a prison guard with 1 bullet each and we see him use his sword to kill a judge.
02. After Garth and Donna finish their kiss, we hear a gunshot then we see Garth turn around in slow motion and we see the bullet go through his chest, he gets shot by Deathstroke who proceeds to shoot at Donna. The episode finishes with what we can only say is… The death of Aqualad.
For me this episode put Deathstroke in my top 3 all time villains just because of how brutal and the impact his made in this episode alone by killing Aqualad.
The Verdict
This who episode was one big flashback scene which was incredibly well done. It gave us some amazing scenes from Donna and Garth to Slade and his killing montage. It gave us different emotions from happy to laughing to sad to shocked.