Season 4 Episode 8 – “With Dick and Kory at risk of falling victim to the spell of Caul’s Folly, Bernard and Tim attempt to crack the town’s mystery before it’s too late.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Dick and Kory wake up in bed together, both confused as to why they are they and why they are wearing matching pj’s. While this is going on, Sebastian Blood and his mother are holding a church ceremony to show the people of Caul’s Folly, why they were waiting and protecting the horn.
2. I do like the fact that when Sebastian tries to slice Raven with a knife a couple of times, while she gets slit and bleeds, so does Sebastian, in the exact same spot. They are connected. Raven tells him that his mother is keeping stuff from him and once he lets Trigon in, he’ll be a nobody once again.
3. The “Liberators” who took Raven explain the situation the Dick and Kory. They explain that the town has implanted receivers behind their ears and the music that plays in the town slowly chips away at them before they forget everything. They don’t work on the Liberators because they are deaf.
4. Honestly, seeing both Dick and Kory speak about their worst memories in a recording to not forget who they are was very emotional, especially for Dick. Seeing and knowing what he went through, the highs and lows are incredible.
5. Dick’s memories come back while he’s turning into Ted. He begins to fight his attacker, while Rachel and Dick find out that the tubes are filled with blood. The person who was using blood to control the music tells Dick and Rachel it’s too late.
6. Connor meets with Sebastian in Metropolis and toasts to the future. Could we be seeing an evil Connor or is this part of his own plan?
What I Disliked
Honestly, nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
Dick goes to the church to speak to the sheriff about where Rachel is, he gets surrounded by police, when some music starts to play. Dick being Dick, easily dismantles and easily takes down multiple police when the two officers who were about to kill Rachel, begin to shoot each other, before Dick makes the save.
Standout Character
Dick takes this. He was smart enough to use an old Bruce Wayne tactic to remember his past life if he was ever to forget memories, and even went after Rachel alone.
Honestly, a much better episode compared to the seventh episode of this season. While not a lot of action happened, seeing Dick use an old Batman tactic to remember stuff if he was to get into a fight with Constantine was amazing. What action was in this episode was truly decent. The story revolving around Connor is becoming very interesting.
Rating /10

The Review
Story - 8.5
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10
Honestly, a much better episode compared to the seventh episode of this season. While not a lot of action happened, seeing Dick use an old Batman tactic to remember stuff if he was to get into a fight with Constantine was amazing. What action was in this episode was truly decent. The story revolving around Connor is becoming very interesting.