Season 4 Episode 10 – “With help from Conner at LexCorp, Sebastian manifests his powers in a sinister new way, as Dick and Rachel have a close encounter with black magic.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Seeing Beast Boy and Cyborg together in live-action is already a huge like for me. I’ve long waited to see these two interact in live-action. I just know this friendship is going to be insanely great.
2. Sebastian gets into a heated argument with Mother Mayhem, they go back and forth until Sebastian seemingly loses control of his actions and begins to burn her to death. Quite a brutal scene if I’m honest but I felt as though this was needed for him.
3. Honestly, I have to give credit to Superboy. Him going “full Lex” and having him go bald and being this evil, the bad-mannered character of this season is absolutely great. I expected it to be good, but this is surpassing everything I thought. Allowing him to go off on his own and work an angle is great.
4. Sebastian’s grand plan to release a video game to the world was a front for his master plan. He added a “little something” to the game before release. We see this when Tim goes to see Bernard and sees him on the floor with blood coming from his nose and the game saying “Game over”.
5. Even though they are not doing much for the story, or action, seeing the Doom Patrol team up with Beast Boy and Kory has been actually really good. Beast Boy and Cyborg work together to get out of a room that is growing smaller by the second.
6. While some dark creature from inside of Rachel gets a physical body, only Dick can destroy it. Running around and only when the time is right the knife will appear to Dick to destroy the evil creature and separate Rachel and Sebastian.
What I Disliked
Even though it was a weak episode, I have nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
I honestly think my favorite moment wasn’t one moment, it was a bunch of moments compacted into one. It was seeing just how much Sebastian is evil. His idea of releasing a game worldwide to kill people and then even wanting to go as far as to release it to children was insane.
Standout Character
Honestly, I’ll give this to Sebastian. He showcased just how truly evil he is now.
Overall, a weak episode with not a lot of action. The overall story of Sebastian releasing a video game and using his magic to be able to kill, or put people in comas when they fail at the game was unique I’ll give them that.
Rating: 8.2/10

The Review
Story - 8
Action - 5
Characters - 10
entertainment - 8
Quality - 10
Overall, a weak episode with not a lot of action. The overall story of Sebastian releasing a video game and using his magic to be able to kill, or put people in comas when they fail at the game was unique I'll give them that.