Season 4 Episode 3 – With Rachel left powerless, Dick turns to an old friend whose magic could be the key to identifying their mysterious enemy. Meanwhile, Conner and Tim investigate attack victims, and Sebastian finds himself at the center of an eerie plot.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I’m happy that Tim is beginning his Robin training. I really didn’t want this to drag out, we haven’t had a Robin since season 2 so I hope this transition happens quickly.
2. Titans continues its brutality. Sebastian is phoned by Mother Mayhem pretending to be the game developer offering to purchase his game. When he arrives, the leading gentleman takes some scissors and stabs himself in the eyes. I was not expecting that but then again, this is what the season is bringing us.
3. Constantine and Two-Face mention Dick when he’s in the car with Jinx. It’s nothing major but it is always nice to have these little Easter eggs planted in the episodes.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
Dick really has no chill. After offering the box back to its owner in order to “unstone” Kory, the owner wants Dick dead. He dismantled the “guards” one by one and then knocked her out. Fantastic.
Standout Character
It has to be Dick as the episode was mainly centered around him and Jinx. The fight scene alone gave him this as that was easily the best scene of the entire episode. He was great this week though to be fair to him, as always.
It was a strange episode to review, perhaps one of the strangest episodes so far. It wasn’t a bad episode per se, there just wasn’t a lot to love but there wasn’t anything I disliked about the episode either. It flowed okay and had a solid fight scene, but it just didn’t entertain as much as Titans usually do.
Rating /10

The Review
Story - 6
Action - 7
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 5
Quality - 8
It was a strange episode to review, perhaps one of the strangest episodes so far. It wasn't a bad episode per se, there just wasn't a lot to love but there wasn't anything I disliked about the episode either. It flowed okay and had a solid fight scene, but it just didn't entertain as much as Titans usually does.