Season 4 Episode 1 – After Superman requests a meeting with Conner, the Titans travel to Metropolis for exclusive access to S.T.A.R. Labs. But when unexpected complications arise, including the re-emergence of Lex Luthor, Conner faces a tough decision.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Titans is back to the gory R-rated aspects, something I do appreciate the show for. A random couple is eating Chinese and watching a show when the woman is brutally murdered by having her throat slit. I’m glad I finished eating before watching this because that was actually grim.
2. It’s about time Beast Boy has a suit. 4 seasons in, I’m surprised it has taken this long. The suit does look stunning though.
3. I’m a bit gutted Tim isn’t getting the Robin suit, but I will take the bo-staff for now as we know this is Tim’s choice of weapon. It’s nice to see all of the upgrades STAR Labs is doing for the Titans.
4. I love how unphased Lex is when Kory just storms his building and takes out all of his guards. He literally sits there and continues what he’s doing whilst his guards are being tossed around. Brilliant.
5. Our first entire fight scene that’s Lex’s ninjas vs Nightwing and Tim. This scene was amazing, seeing Dick use a sword to fight back was incredibly entertaining. I do want to see Tim hurry along to be trained so he can get involved properly in the fight without being beaten.
6. That was grim again at the end when the snake came out of Lex and the blood spurted everywhere. This is seemingly caused by Mother Mayhem. He is dead at the end of the episode after this but wow, that was intense!
What I Disliked
Of course, Superman wasn’t going to be in it. Just get Tyler Hoechlin into a cameo if they struggle to get someone in. It’s a waste of time wrapping a story around him when we know fine well he isn’t going to show, at all.
Favorite Moment
Usually, in Titans, everything goes to shit almost immediately. In the opening scene, we see the Titans bowling, having fun, and generally looking happy, it’s nice to see. Especially when Gar uses transformations to get a strike.
Standout Character
It’s a tough one in this episode as a lot of characters did stand out. If I am to give it to anyone then it goes to Dick for standout. For me, it was that entire fight scene and generally being a solid leader. He’s now giving his team a chance to decide on what they want to do for themselves. It was great to see in the opener.
Titans opened with a solid season 4. I do sometimes think this show will go downhill but it continuously keeps getting better. Every new introduction in this episode was solid from Lex to Mother Mayhem to Brother Blood.
Rating 9.6/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 9
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Titans opened with a solid season 4. I do sometimes think this show will go downhill but it continuously keeps getting better. Every new introduction in this episode was solid from Lex to Mother Mayhem to Brother Blood.