Season 4 Episode 2 – In the wake of Lex Luthor’s sudden demise, Conner finds himself framed for murder while the Titans try to piece together Luthor’s suspicious connection to Rachel’s haunting and clear their teammate’s name.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Brother Blood truly is terrifying. They have got him done so well compared to The CW counterpart. He has no chill whatsoever, again, killing another family including torturing a little girl. This was brutal.
2. The gory nature of the show continues when we see another person choke on their blood with a snake leaving the mouth. Kory is the one there watching at this point and sees it happen. This is just nasty man, I have to give the show props for going down this route with the show. It’s always been a tad gory but not to this extent.
3. It’s nice to see Raven get properly involved in the action. The group attends the house from the beginning and sees the girl being tortured, trapped in a nightmare. Raven steps into the nightmare to pull her out. An incredible moment and it shows how far Raven has come as a character since the beginning.
4. It turns out the father of Aria survived and was being held by Brother Blood who has them hung up and draining their blood. Another intense scene. We also see the male from the previous episode hanging but still alive as well.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
It’s Mother Mayhem vs Titans. Each Titan is basically beaten one by one until Starfire manages to match her power. This was a fantastic scene altogether with the actual fight. We also see that Rachel seemingly loses her power, this is definitely an interesting take on the villain, especially how overpowered she seems.
Standout Character
It has to be Raven for me in this episode. We got a lot more of her and it’s something that has been missing from the show for quite some time. I am curious to see what her story will be like moving forward, especially with how it ended.
Another brilliant episode for Titans. Judging by how the first 2 episodes have been set up, we’re in for a treat of a season moving forward.
Rating 9.3/10

The Review
Story - 9
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 9.5
Another brilliant episode for Titans. Judging by how the first 2 episodes have been set up, we're in for a treat of a season moving forward.