Season 4 Episode 11 – “Titans continues with the eleventh episode of season four.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The episode immediately begins with Dick giving Tim a briefcase, he asks what he wants to be done with it, and Dick’s response is “open it”. We know what it is, it’s a suit, but I can not wait to see Tim wearing it. It’s going to look so good.
2. We see a city skyline, with a bat symbol in the sky, it’s obviously Gotham City. We then see two criminals running down an alleyway when we see someone land on top of a car, it’s Tim, fully suited up. He gets into a brawl and the criminals begin fighting Tim and shooting at him, he’s ducking for cover until he hears two more gunshots. It’s Red Hood. He appears to Tim and asks him “Who the F are you supposed to be” with Tim replies “I’m Robin.” Chills.
3. Do you know how happy I am to see Red Hood and Tim Drake as a duo in live-action? Seeing the return of Red Hood is fantastic. His character has arguably had the best character development throughout this entire show.
4. We get an explanation from Connor as to why he needed to do this plan alone. He told Dick that he had to prove it to Lex, Superman, to Dick. He’s sorry, he tried to keep Sebastian close by using his game but it went off the rails.
5. Sebastian kills Mother Mayhem with the horn of Trigon. Absorbing her power as his own becoming more powerful. Connor uses a prototype ball that’s as powerful as a nuke on Sebastian but it does nothing to him. We see Sebastian who is now suited up as Brother Blood and we see a badly injured Connor lying motionless on the ground with eyes wide open… is he dead?
What I Disliked
1. Four seasons and we’ve still got Titans going off alone trying to sort out the big villain. I thought we were past this but I guess not. I love Kory, but this is beyond annoying.
2. While it was nice to see Red Hood back, I hope it’s not just for this episode. This will be a dislike for now.
Favorite Moment
Honestly, my favorite moment would be seeing Tim Drake, well at this point, Robin handle himself against a group of people attacking him. Seeing him handle himself without his bo-staff was amazing. Obviously, it was a test from Red Hood, he allowed the gang to track him and he tells Tim “Nicely done, you learn by doing.”
Standout Character
I’ll give this to Tim. While others were absolutely great in this episode, Tim was the standout for me, coming into his own as a hero, and becoming ROBIN. He was just fantastic.
Overall, a solid episode for a magnitude of reasons. Firstly, the story was great, seeing the Titans figure out they have to essentially nuke Sebastian to kill him is fantastic. Seeing Connor open up as to why he did what he did. Of course, seeing the return of Red Hood and him training Tim because Dick sent him was fantastic.
Rating: 9.6/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Overall, a solid episode for a magnitude of reasons. Firstly, the story was great, seeing the Titans figure out they have to essentially nuke Sebastian to kill him is fantastic. Seeing Connor open up as to why he did what he did. Of course, seeing the return of Red Hood and him training Tim because Dick sent him was fantastic.